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View Full Version : young discus with white poop!!!

03-12-2005, 12:28 AM
hello people. my problem is that i have 7 young discus at 1" inch. today i notice white poop on the sponge filter so i look around and saw one of the discus having it. only one seem to be effected. can i treat the whole tank with hex-a-mit at this age and size. will the medicine harm the other 6 healthy fish? will the medicine be too strong and stress them out? some advice would be great. thanks.

03-12-2005, 12:33 AM
First thing you want to do is increase the water changes and clean the tank. Tell us about the discus and your tank. How long have you had them? Are they eating? Dark, hiding in back of tank? Bare bottom or gravel? Water changes? how often and what do you feed? Don't panic if you see a bit of white, stringy feces - sometimes they can recover with extra water changes and a raise in temp.

03-12-2005, 03:38 PM
7 discus in a 20 gallons for growout, just recieve it last week, temp is at 82, bare bottom, internal sponge filter, external filter (aquaclear), feed bw and terta bit (all of them still come up to the top for food and they are eating, even the one with the white poop hanging come up too), daily waterchange 50% (use age water).

03-12-2005, 10:03 PM
I would watch them for another week. If ALL the discus are eating I would not treat. If one starts to hide in the back of the tank, turn dark, stops eating and has mucus hanging form the vent then I would put him in a hospital tank and treat. If 3 show these symptoms then I would treat the whole tank. Read hot to treat INTESTINAL FLAGELLATES in the MOST COMMON TREATMENT THREAD stickied on the disease board