View Full Version : Question about putting fish in container or bucket while transporting tank.

03-15-2005, 05:46 PM
I just got this aqarium given to me with one tropical fish, and had to drain most of the water to get it home. I filled the tank, and put the anti-chlorine solution in but here's where my delima is. As I understand it, when you change the water you have to age or let the water stand for 24 hours before you can add the fish to it.

The problem is the fish is sitting in a bucket without a pump or heater during this time.

This is my second aqarium but with the first one, I could simply put the hose from the pump into the bucket while the water ages, but the pump which came with this tank is different. Instead, it mounts to the aqarium and pumps the water through a filter, so I can't just simply put a hose into the bucket as there is no hose to put in the bucket.

The fish is sitting in about 2-3 gallons of water which I salvaged from the tank to transport it in.

My question is will the fish be ok like this, or will it deplete all the oxygen before I get a chance to put it in the tank?

How long would it take a fish to consume all the oxygen?

03-15-2005, 09:59 PM

Oxygen isn't the only concern. Your fish is fouling the water with it's respiration even as we speak... if it ate a good meal before going into the bucket, it's probably fouling it in other ways as well. Then there's temp considerations.

The main reason to age the water is to drive the CO2 out and stabilize the ph. If you can, put a powerhead in the tank and stir the water up real good for a short time, If the filters cycled, great! If not, you'll need to watch the ammonia and do consistent water changes.

but... either way..

You're better off getting your little guy into the tank sooner rather than later



03-15-2005, 11:54 PM
Thanx for the response. The good news is the fish is now in the tank, so the worry is over. He survived, but I think I want to invest in a pump and maybe a small tank to put him in for next time or even for cleaning. The small tank could also be useful if I get more fish, and they decide to breed or something.

I once got a pregnate fish from the pet store, and didn't even know it was pregnate until I saw a tiny fish swimming around in the tank.

03-16-2005, 12:43 AM