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View Full Version : Simply Discus Donations

03-25-2005, 12:28 PM
I have just noticed the donation banner at the top of the page and wanted to put in my two cents worth.

Since I have been frequenting this site, I have found it to be of benefit in so many ways. I have observed and participated in many discussions of great help to me in my fish keeping. I have enjoyed many humorous posts from Simply members. I have seen more pictures of beautiful discus than I ever could have imagined. I have enjoyed spirited debates that allow exchange of conflicting opinions without having to put up with the unproductive flame-throwing that is sometimes seen on other sites. I have been able to ask questions of some of the best Discus minds around. Al Sabetta and Ryan have selflessly facilitated this and I think we all should support them wholeheartedly. I see posts almost daily that have references like "way to go Al" " thanks Brewmaster" "better ask Al about that question" " I bet Brew knows were to get that". I know Al appreciates all the kind words and attention but that don't pay the bills!

I have discussed the finances of Simply Discus with Al Sabetta in the past and he has always been very reluctant to solicit funds for this site in any way. He has been criticized by some as trying to use Simply to advertise for his own business enterprises. The implication is that he should personally finance Simply because it is his "pop-up ad" to get business. I have found this to be completely inaccurate. In reading all of Al's posts, he has never overtly plugged his business enterprises. I have spent hours on the phone with him discussing discus, unrelated to buying from him. ( As a disclaimer, I have purchased from him once.) He has fewer posts on this site about his fish for sale than most of our other breeder members. Some of them are sponsors, some are not. But they still benefit from the "advertisement " on Simply without any cost to themselves and without criticizism. Ryan has spent countless hours on this site as well.

So many of us have benefitted from this site any so many ways. I would venture to say that this site has saved many of us money. We have found contacts to buy both fish and supplies cheaper than we previously could. We have gotten answers to questions related to treament of sick fish that we probably would not have found elsewhere. If you have gotten help on this site that saved even one fish, it has saved you money. I would resoundingly endorse donating to support this site. I believe Mr. Sabetta's motivation for running this site is selfless and primarily for the good of the hobby and I think we should support him in that effort.

Many of us have spent $50- $100 without thought to go to a 2 hour sporting event or other entertainment. I think I have gotten at least as much entertainment from Simply for free! Maybe a little $$$ for the forum should be part of our fish budgets. It is easy to send Simply a little something via paypal, just check the banner at the top of the page. If you do order fish from Al, add a little extra to your payment and mark it for Simply.

Thanks Al and all of you who volunteer your time at Simply Discus!

03-25-2005, 12:54 PM
Great post Cary!!!

My first personal experience with Al was over dinner about my sick fish. But I wasn't there, LOL... I could hear plates clanking in the back ground and kids asking for dad to come to dinner. He stayed with me until I was taken care of. Always willing and eager to help!!! I'd like to think I made a new friend that day...

If my finances ever get straightened out, I'll be there. In the mean time I'll help out here as much as possible...

03-25-2005, 01:25 PM
I agree on what everyone is saying. I benefit from this site in learning and selling discus. I am a sponsor and also donate for different causes like contests Simply has. If Simply wants to raise funds to support itself there is nothing wrong with that. I think more people would be involved if we had some kind of a "Goal" to shoot for. What does it cost to run a forum like this? How much money is needed to be raised to cover Simply's expenses? What is the shortfall after the Sponsors and Banners are paid for? If we knew those numbers we could set up a drive to raise funds to make sure Simply pays its own bills. Al and Ryan should not have to take money out of pocket for something we all enjoy.

Once we know the short fall I'll donate some discus to raffle off and lets get Simply back on tract!!! I know others would also participate if we have a "Goal" we all are working toward. This is the same as what the American Red Cross does with their thermometers every year. Lets do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-25-2005, 06:23 PM
Great posts everyone,
I know Al and Ryan spend money out of there own pockets for this site, a good chunk of money! They don't complain or make it a big issue.
They will help you beyond what most people would.

The sponsors surely help with expenses and it is appreciated.

If you can, every bit counts and is put to good use.

03-25-2005, 07:54 PM
When something becomes a burden, it is not uncommon to let someone else who is willing and is, as passionate as you are, to takecare of it. So without seeing the checks and balances, my suggestion would be, what I would do in that position, which is to find a buyer for my investment. Why not sell it to someone willing to take over? I am sure there will be many able takers. I can think of 2 that is part of the mods team who would make an excellent choice and have prior experience. JMO.

Well, that's an easy question to answer. No one said anything about the site being a burden, just that it costs money. Why would we need to sell it? We enjoy what we do here and we're proud of what the site has grown into. I don't want to sell the site, personally.

Most forums have a donations section, so I don't think there's anything out of line about that. If people feel like they've gotten something from the board and they want to give back, it enables them to do so. Not everyone will donate and we don't expect them to, but it is a nice gesture for those that can afford it and want to help out.

It beats having to pay for a membership at a forum.


03-26-2005, 06:37 AM
Cary , Brian, and Ardan
Thank you for your posts and friendship. People like you are the reason why we run this forum day in and out. :)

I appreciate your thoughts here also.
I think more people would be involved if we had some kind of a "Goal" to shoot for. What does it cost to run a forum like this? How much money is needed to be raised to cover Simply's expenses? What is the shortfall after the Sponsors and Banners are paid for? If we knew those numbers we could set up a drive to raise funds to make sure Simply pays its own bills. .. Anyone interested can find enough information out there on what dedicated supported servers cost with the bandwidth we draw,administrative software, paid software for the site, shipping on fish giveways. I consider this information private when it pertains to SimplyDiscus. I will state this though... just the server move and associated software has doubled that cost this year. The motivation for donating to the site should not be a concern of any perceived shortfalls in its funding... It should be for the Simple reason that the site has given you something you value and you want to help out where you can, and help us grow. No other infomation should really matter. If it does, then I would rather not receive a donation.

Each year we try to improve the site. The membership and sponsors benefit from what we do. Simply hopes to advertise in other media this year and do a whole host of other projects which will improve the site but cost money... You know how expensive that is. Some improvements will require we pay for Code writers for our software...large forums have to do this. Additionally there have been many unexpected costs as well over the years and I expect more... like when a donation of fish to the site for auction did not turn out as expected and Needed to be addressed or when a sponsor promises to help out and they conveniently don't.

If members want to help out, they can use the donate banner and do so... In 3 years we have never even done more than point out a link to donations. Here we have a banner now, nothing else changes. The sites not in trouble and its not going anywhere...Really not a matter to consider too deeply.. The banner is there if someone wants to use it. The other banner holders are helping support the site... by using the banner link to donate... you as members are also. Its optional. Donation banners are not something unique to Simply.. They are an industry standard found on many sites and placed for generous individuals to help out with the bills if they want. WE had a donation button for the last 2 years. Some used it...most didn't. Some wanted to but could not afford to, so they sent me an appreciative note on the site ... something I'll bank any day for use when things are frustrating here. :)

As for selling the site...Not an option even on the table, I have already turned down several offers. Ryan and I have put our hearts and souls into this site.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts, I hope some of you can help out, but if you can't or won't for various reasons...Thats fine too. It won't affect the site in any negative fashion or your standing with the site.


03-26-2005, 12:39 PM
I have always supported this site and will continue to do so. I just wanted to make sure there were not short falls or jeopardy of not being up. I'm glad to hear things are OK and you are looking to expand.

03-26-2005, 06:44 PM

To answer your questions... This is not a charity. Its a private venture that I am the owner of.. That point has always been made clear. I have a federal tax id Number that I have given out to sponsors on their request for their advertising expenses and accountants. I have registered that ID with The IRS listing webhosting, banners,internet ventures etc as one of the business products. Donations are not tax deductible. I pay taxes on them.

AS for The hector Post you referenced.. Donations do not lessen a persons responsibility to follow site rules. IF someone was banned from the site, I would not knowingly accept their donations, nor would I give them a banner until the issues as to why they were banned had been resolved. It would not be a way to to buy ones way back onto the board.

I hope that answers your questions. If you have more feel free to contact me at 203-484-0175 I would enjoy talking with you about things in general sometime Looneybin.


03-26-2005, 07:24 PM
Cary..your right about Brew not trying to peddle his fish..personally on this site..he bends over backwards to not suggest to people they could come see what he has..
and..the site came way before Brew had fish to sell. he used to give fish away to people to learn on..or to test his shipping skills etc. I was there when this site was started..it was started out of the love for those round fishies..and imformation transfer of knowledge . Ryan and Brew are very dedicated..to helping. hard workers..and a bit of type A personality..and both are non-sleepers..
Ryans been doing this since he was a young pup. 18 was it? or 17? talk about dedication..alot of changes in his life..and hes always found the time to look after Simply. I have to hand it to the both of them.
this banner is for those who would like to donate..if you;d rather not..then thats fine. we want everyone to be able to post and get the help and the fellowship etc..they need or want without feeling like they owe.

03-26-2005, 08:21 PM
I enjoy this site and I do alot of reading. Maybe not as many answer's to your questions because most of the time they have been already answered. Anyway I enjoy it enough so I made a donation this morning in hope's that it stay's up. Who's next!

03-26-2005, 10:04 PM
This forum does help a lot of people. If you can help the forum why not?

03-27-2005, 05:22 AM
No Problem Looneybin,
Call me when you want to talk. If I am ever in your area maybe we can meet and talk.

Thanks Jeff,George, and April! I appreciate the thoughts and support.


ps...Talk about coincidence. I just got a donation from someone that is banned. :confused: :confused: It was a generous donation.... but one that we could not accept at this time.

03-27-2005, 12:31 PM
First of all I want to thank Al and Ryan for all they put into this site. We all benefit from it. I am glad to be able to help out, albeit in humble ways, in any way that I am able.
Thanks Guys

03-27-2005, 12:37 PM
The check is in the mail. May take 3 weeks from the Azores, but it's in the mail. I'd just like to give back. You all have given to me and I thank you.


03-27-2005, 12:53 PM
Hi all,
I am going to ask this real nice. please Keep it civil.. I can see where this has the potential to go and would prefer not to have to intervene.

Theres no need for it to be a controversy..Its as simple as donate if you want or don't.

Thanks for all your thoughts but this really doesn't warrant that much discussion.


ps... Eddie thank you very much.

03-28-2005, 07:27 AM
Okay everyone... Thanks for the comments and support here, and the questions. Time to move on and do some water changes. :)


03-28-2005, 08:20 AM
Al the above remarks are from you, I see a tone of "Who's the boss", in it, now lets say hector donated 100 bucks, Would you have made such remarks? How would he feel if you did make such a remark? How does ones donation affect his/her potential banning? Id like to "politely" say.... WHAT A CROCK OF SH!T!!

Ive been a member of this site since its inception. Over the course of three years Ive probably donated more to this site than most non-commercial members! With that said.....Id also like to add that Ive probably had more posts edited and/or deleted by admin and mods than most of the members here at simply! When Im pissed off, Ive got a big mouth!

Al and Ryan are #1 In my books! Both stand up kinda guys....I dont like thier rules....and I dont like some of thier mods....

But...thier 'INTEGRITY' is NEVER in question.


03-28-2005, 10:00 AM
Al, Ryan and Carol and the others (moderators), my seniors, yall got my regards and support! I may not always be logged on but I cannot stay away too long without logging into SimplyDiscus. That's a fact!

My first involvement in keeping discus came as an accident: my son had a school project to do on biology. We started with keeping a betta fish in a jar and inquired how intonation why all pet stores would keep this fish in a jar with no added oxygen, no space and very little foods! So then we changed the project because it was a bit involved but I kept that betta and gotten another but saw a round big orange fish (PB discus). I got a fix right away. I didn't know much at all about fish. Petland's Discount sold me four lovely blue discus and told me they were Wild Cobalts, because the PB discus is gone!

Well to make a story short, I found that I needed to further my knowledge about these fish! I found one person selling the orange discus (Heppners) and was HOOKED! I was referred to SimplyDiscus then and I don't regret one moment. My continued education was provided ultimately with motivation but mostly from here!

So, with that said, Al you will definitely get my contribution (although I've been very slow at getting across to ya... It's in the mail enroute to you by next Saturday).

I wish that all remains forgiven and put away as well as peaceful and respectful. I appreciate the level of decency here on this forum. Although I don't mind some debates but I do respect the level of decency in this forum. It's normal to get entangled but the important thing is to remember to keep it decent and to remove yourself from such debates without the heat.

