View Full Version : Discus in a clean aqua.

03-28-2005, 01:20 PM
Seeing the pics in the photo gallery, i notice that the majority of you keep your discus, even when adult, in clean aquas, without gravel, sand, plants or driftwood.

I know that for breeding or for clean the aqua, is much more easy keep an aquarium without any thing. But for those that only keep discus like me, and can eventually have some fry. Even so do you preffer a clean aqua?

I ask this because my history is interesting.
I start my aqua with a lot of driftwood, plants and other kinds os fish.
As the time goes by, i removed something, fisrt the others fishs, after some
driftwoods, some plants... Now in this weekend i removed all the plants.

This is funny, but as i said as the time goes by, you notice just by your
own experience that is always better keep discus in a clean enviroment.

Now my aqua have sand "just enough amount to cover the bottom", no plants "except for two windlovis" only three litle pieces of driftwood, and a lot of free space for my discus swimming and for to facilite the drift removing.

I don't know with in the future i will remove something else.

Somebody have a kind of aqua that seems like my description ?