View Full Version : I have Eggs!

03-28-2005, 06:52 PM
Dear Discus Members,
My plans to create a 75 gallon planted aquarium come to a screaching hault when I noticed two of my Red Tourquoise paired up and laid eggs on the heater(Around 50). They are in a thirty gallon with another Red Tourquoise and a Super Red. My tank is a thirty gallon.The odd thing is that all four of my fish are no larger than 4 inches(Fins not included ~Just body). The pair is so territorial, and are SO Beautiful. The eggs were laid late last night, and are now a sandy, beige kinda color. Im not sure if they are fertile though. So post me a.s.a.p., and help me out! Lol I knew thish would happen!!! By the way I only have one thirty gallon running and It would be impossible to give them their own tank. At the Moment :undecided.

03-28-2005, 08:34 PM
what i do is let the fry when they hatch stay with the parents and feed off them for two weeks. then i put the babies in the 10 gallon tank i have. you should be able to have enough room for a 10 gallon underneath the main tank you have on the stand.
i then feed them decapsulated brine shrimp eggs until they have mouths big enough for chopped up bloodworms. some feed baby brine shrimp but i don't have the facilties for this, and you probably don't either.
then when they get big enough just give them to a local fish store if you can't afford a bigger tank.
you can get decapsulated brine shrimp eggs from -brineshrimpdirect.com i believe
good luck-acorn

03-29-2005, 12:48 AM
Sounds to me like you have a great situation! I'd go ahead with the 75 and put everyone but the pair in there. You could keep the pair and their fry in the 30. That is, if you want to raise the babies.

I would put a divider in the tank ASAP if you have no place else to put the parents. Otherwise the other fish may eat the eggs/wigglers/fry. Just consider that the fry will be tiny and could slip through any cracks or holes in the divider.

Also, if the eggs are still on the heater, I'd put another heater in and unplug the one the eggs are on as it may cook them.

Like acorn said, depending on how many fry you got, you could probably pretty easily add a small tank for the fry once they leave mom and dad. You just need a sponge filter and a heater. I have a 10 gal under my 29 gal and run the sponge filter off the main tanks' air pump. All I had to get was an extra heater, the sponge filter, airline tubing and a splitter.

I can't wait to have your problem. LOL!
Good luck!