View Full Version : I have Eggs!

03-28-2005, 06:54 PM
Dear Discus Members,
My plans to create a 75 gallon planted aquarium come to a screaching hault when I noticed two of my Red Tourquoise paired up and laid eggs on the heater(Around 50). They are in a thirty gallon with another Red Tourquoise and a Super Red. My tank is a thirty gallon.The odd thing is that all four of my fish are no larger than 4 inches(Fins not included ~Just body). The pair is so territorial, and are SO Beautiful. The eggs were laid late last night, and are now a sandy, beige kinda color. Im not sure if they are fertile though. So post me a.s.a.p., and help me out! Lol I knew thish would happen!!! By the way I only have one thirty gallon running and It would be impossible to give them their own tank. At the Moment :undecided.

03-28-2005, 07:32 PM
Hi Michael, Let them keep trying in that tank. It will be a learning experience for them.If the eggs turn white they are not fetile. Any other color and they should be.Watch and see if they hatch ,that is when you will know.
Good luck and maybe you get fry.Probably will not survive in with other fish but is good for both you and fish to learn.