View Full Version : eggs ! now what do I do?

03-31-2005, 01:26 AM

Been a while since Ive dropped in, was here last year when I first got a few discus. I have two pairs (assuming only that there is a male and female in each pair) I have both pairs in a 30 some odd gallon tank, separated with a divider as right from the start they didnt get along. Discus A would pick on Discus B who picked on C etc....but once I separated them, and moved them back and forth testing the waters so to speak, I found that two pairs formed immediately.
I noticed today that both pairs have laid clutches of eggs. First time Ive noticed them spawning, but I have not witnessed the egg laying, nor the male fertilizing. My questions as usual, are many.
What do I do now? I would love to see some fry come out of this. Firstly, I removed the snails in the tank. I have heard to turn off the filter? I have a penguin biowheel mini...should I do this? no beefheart to mess the water, just brine etc?
The eggs are currently translucent orange, with a little spot in the corner of each egg...Im told they should turn darker soon if they have in fact, been fertilized. Being that I just noticed them today, how do I know how long they have been there? What should my timeline be on deciding whether progress is being made, or if something is amiss? There is a small amount of gravel on the bottom of the tank. Sorry, Im just throwing out questions, and info to help you help me ;-) One set has laid eggs on a rock, the other on the tank glass and air tubing. They take turns eyeballing the eggs, and fanning them, does this tell me that they are fertilized, or can I assume the fish would do this anyway?
any info you can provide would be wonderful....



03-31-2005, 05:58 PM
So today I notice one pair has wrigglers...maybe 10 or so...most of the rest of the egg clutch is missing, but they are guarding these remaining ones...
Folks, you were so helpful last time, Ive been checking this post feverishly since last night, and nothing !

Surely Carol, or one of the other wonderful people I spoke to last time could help me?



03-31-2005, 06:37 PM
Pray the MALE fertilizes the eggs.


03-31-2005, 08:42 PM
Heres a pic of one of the wrigglers...does this look about right to you folks? Sorry, new to this, dont even know what Im looking for...;-)

03-31-2005, 08:46 PM
and heres the clutch from the 1st pair, obviously not fertilized Im assuming, and getting rot (? the white ones?)

03-31-2005, 09:20 PM
The dark ones look fertilized to me. You're right, the white ones aren't fertilized/somethingelse goes wrong, fungus etc. I believe the others look fertilized to me, but the dark backgroud might have my eyes playing trickson me.

03-31-2005, 09:34 PM
Do I ever hope you're right ! I wasnt even sure if the wrigglers from the other pair were actually that, I knew they looked like pics Ive seen, but I had to turn off the filter and airstones momentarily, let the water calm to a standstill, just so I could see them "wriggling" on their own..no better word for them I guess...question - if the parents begin eating the eggs - why?

03-31-2005, 09:37 PM
Hi Brendan, I would get a sponge filter running asap the other filter may be too strong and suck up the babies. The eggs look fertile to me but i'm new at this too. Keep a clean tank and they should all do fine . Keep us posted of all results.
Good job

03-31-2005, 09:40 PM
Yeah I have a sponge filter kicking around somewhere...Im not sure if my current bio wheel one really has enough power to suck up the eggs, though...its a mini, and has a pre-filter sponge (thanks Carol;-)) on it. But if you think it best, I can certainly do it...I dont want anything that would mess this up...its like a MISSION now !! My fiancee is freaking because Im all ablaze with talk of bigger tanks, breeding, etc etc...ha ha. I'll be living in the garage soon too, at least I'll be near my tools.

