View Full Version : half body turned black!!

04-01-2005, 11:54 PM

I have a few spawns of discus that when the fries reach about 2-3 cm, they start to turn black at the tail-end part of their body. They are all active and eating like pigs but there is a problem with the black part. After some time almost all the fishes in the spawn have the same problem when they are a little bigger, about 2 inches.

Can anyone help?? PULEESE! Thanks.

04-02-2005, 01:21 PM
Are they blue diamonds? If yes, does the black go away over time? Usually it's just a bruise, but I think Watley was working on a strain of blue diamonds with black around teh tail section.

04-03-2005, 09:48 PM
Hi Carol!

Those are not BD but a mixture of browns, alanquer, etc. I did a research on the internet and found out that its a disease related to whirling disease. Anybody had this before? Cheers, Carol!

Northern Aquaselect
04-10-2005, 08:52 PM
I've seen this with a fish of my own. The strain is Red Diamond, (Red Turq), it came on two different occasions, turning dark in color, starting at the tail, gradually moving up the body. A very distict line, top to bottom. I treated with Metro, and epsom salts, and each time the darkness faded, I didn't notice any whitish feces however, but it did stop eating, after treatment it started eating again and looking healthy. Hope this helps.