View Full Version : Fishless cycle, am I doing right???

04-02-2005, 01:27 PM
I started a fishless cycle 5 days ago with ammonium chloride (NH4CL)
I've put some nh4cl in the tank on monday to get a 5ppm reading on my ammonia test. But since the ammonia is not lowering and the nitrites are not appearing I havent add any more since. Is it oK??? cause it says that we should add a bit everyday but if I add more I will have too much ammonia in the tank.
And is it normal after 5 days that the nitrites have not begin to appears??

And also, do I have to do some water changes during this process or I only make it before to add the fishes when the cycle is made??

Any advices will be welcomed
by the way my ebo is at 88 in that tank

04-02-2005, 01:32 PM
Do not add more ammonia until you see it start to drop. Then add some every couple of days to keep levels between 3-5 ppm. It should take a couple of weeks before you see ammonia start to drop. If nitrIte levels get really high then it's OK to do a couple of water changes. It took me 5 weeks to complete a fishless cycle. At the end of the cycle empty the tank and refill with warm, clean, dechlorinated water.

04-02-2005, 06:59 PM
thank you carol, your advices are very usefull as usual ;)