View Full Version : question on swaping partners....

04-02-2005, 05:17 PM
Hi I have 2 pairs of discus that are not happy together.

The mandarin passion pair : she will NOT lay eggs and he wants to mate.

The red melon xred marlboro pair: she lays all the time and he doesn't fertilize well.

Question would it be possible to switch the females around and hopefully be successful with mating??By putting 2 together that are interested maybe I would get more than 3 freeswimmers.

I would like any and all ideas on this subject.
Thank you

04-02-2005, 05:51 PM
Switch the males since your female is laying eggs in her tank already. Is this another 55 gl. separated with plastic eggcrate divider??

Great job on your baby green turks. My green turqs have hatched a couple spawns. All eaten. This last spawn was about a week old. Male ate all babies because they have another "nest" of eggs on the glass. I had taken their cone out of the tank so they wouldn't have eggs while they were raising their babies.

04-02-2005, 06:09 PM
No it's not another 55 , the mandarins are in a 29 gallon and the reds are in a 20 gallon. The reason I thought about swaping females is the male mandarin is huge , around 6"+ not sure he would be comfortable in a 20 gallon. He keeps the female mandarin in the corner and has tried to eat half of her tail.


04-03-2005, 11:47 PM
Really, it's better to swap out the males. The female may go on strike if she's moved to the male's tank and the male may harass her.

04-04-2005, 01:34 AM
Hi and thank you all. Situations have changed once again.lol
Noe the green turk pair in the community tank have laid again and with their babies in their original 55 gallon, i'm going to put them in the 29 gallon and move the mandarins to the community tank. Leaving the reds alone for now,I spoted one lone freeswimmer with them.Maybe they will learn from one baby
Thanks again Debbie

04-11-2005, 11:58 PM
Well, I put the mandarin female in the community tank because no matter who I put with her she refused to lay. The male Mandarin is laying eggs right now with the green turk female. The reds have freeswimmers and the 5 weeks old green turk babies are growing great( i have around 110,,finally got to count them the other day.Now just need to cull them again). The green truk male is also in the community tank looking for a potential mate. He's turning out to be quite picky LOL. I will keep an update .

04-12-2005, 03:32 PM
All depends on the Character of Each Discus!

I move both females and males and it works 80% of the time! My point is some discus do not like to be moved and this would go for females or males.

Cary Gld!