View Full Version : what would u use

04-02-2005, 10:50 PM
it's not discus related but I ask here anyway cause I know that there are some trustfull and knowledgeable people here.

Ok, I bought 4 angelfishes at lfs about a month ago. / are doing great and one is dooing bad. He's not eating and getting very emaciated and always stay alone.
I suppose it is caused by some kind of intestinal parasite, is that it???
But since I donno what type of parasite it is, is there a med I can use and be sure it is good for about any type?

So if u guys can help me in selecting the most appropriate treatment, cause I'm not used to meds

Thanks everybody

04-03-2005, 08:03 PM

Could be a number of things. Can you post more info on your tank, your water, etc. Any other symptoms? Been a long time since I kept Angelfish but there are several other mods who keep both (in separate tanks of course :) )


04-05-2005, 10:18 PM
theses ones are in a community tank (66gallons) very well planted, pH 6.8, temp 28-29, havent measure hardness since a while but it's very low. There are 4 angels. 4 ottos, 1 farlowella, 2 apistos. All the fishes are doing great except that one. The others angels have grown since I got them but not this one and he's gettin very skinny. He has always been outside the little group since the beginning. Now he's always alone on it's side and and never come to eat. Even if I put food right over his face he doesnt eat.

04-07-2005, 11:43 AM
it sound's like your angel has Hex , does he hang in the corner with his head pointed up and has white poop? if so I'd recomend you put him in a hospital tank and treat him with Metronidazole or Aquazole, remember to up your temp to 92 ,,, does he have any scales missing? or red around his side fin's? if so I'd treat with clout..... Vet