View Full Version : What to do, what to do...

04-07-2005, 04:41 AM
Hi all,
I was informed by the person that I got the plec and oscar (which as since died) is going to be giving me another plec and oscar for take 2. I am still really wanting to do discus and will do it, just a matter of time now. I will need to get another tank and perhaps the monster tank idea will be home to the oscar and a lot more. The 49 bow (I thought it was a 46 originally, but was corrected) will be the discus tank. This oscar isn't too aggressive at any rate I am told. I would not be so daft as to mix discus and oscars. I can't see letting fish die and I have a tank already set up so that's how I am getting the oscar/plec.

Now where to get a huge (240ish Gal) tank/stand for cheap...that is the next question. I am also all to aware that the monster tank will need filtration and am looking around and seems it will be some serious money to do said tank.

04-07-2005, 07:39 AM

Unless you can find a used setup in good condition, monster tanks are serious money.

You might keep an eye out for estate sales, divorce sales and things of that nature... might get lucky :)

Good luck

04-08-2005, 04:03 PM
If you are good at woodworking, try building a plywood tank.

04-10-2005, 12:36 PM
i bought a 260galon tank w stand a year ago on ebay for $1000. had to rent a uhaul trailer to attach to my pickup truck, and drive ~70 miles to pick it up, but it was worth it.
here's the baby now:
but i spent about another 1000 buyng co2 system, plants etc...

Greg Richardson
04-10-2005, 04:59 PM
Find your city or city close to yours on this page.
Put tank in search link.
Keep checking daily.
Good way to find tanks and sometimes the 29, 55, even saw a 75 galllon once free.


04-12-2005, 03:35 AM
This is all well and good, but I am outside the lower 48 in Alaska. It would be insane to go collect a tank in even Seattle! It is 3 1/2 hrs flying time, much less driving up the Al-Can Hwy!

Cool! E-bay might not be a bad idea, but shipping it up here would be probably really expensive and what guarantee do I have that the glass won't crack/break between here and there? Did you buy it thru a vendor, or just someone that happen to have one?

I must have 2 left feet for hands in that area. LOL!

I'll be looking around...

04-12-2005, 09:18 AM
You could also consider getting an acrylic tank and having it shipped without any worries...also the reduced weight will help reduce the ship cost. :)


04-12-2005, 10:54 AM
well..wait till the big thaw..and drive down to vancouver canada. theres a lfs here called king ed pets who sell large plexitanks..he has a 250 gallon i think..its still costly..but your money is worth more here in canada..so that helps..they are alot lighter.and durable and they look great. then..drive it back. get a trailer. nice trip..nice tanks...voila.