View Full Version : food U for artificial rising

Adrian Valea
04-07-2005, 07:44 AM

Does anyone used "food U" to to bridge the first few days until the larvae are able to eat larger food, such as artemia?

I have some pairs that eat their fries after hatching and I would like to try to raise them artificially.
I tried with egg mixture but they died after two days (did not seem to eat it).

I saw this product on the net and I order it in order to use as food for the first days.
I would like to know if somebody already have experience with this?


Barb Newell
04-07-2005, 08:22 AM
Hi, I haven't used that but have used Sera Micron Fry food.


04-07-2005, 09:52 PM
I have used it but didn't get good results. I do well using hardboiled egg yolk mixed with raw yolk and a little spirulina powder. The spirulina makes the mix darker and attracks the fry better than a straight yolk mix.

Adrian Valea
04-08-2005, 06:18 AM
Hi Barb,

Can you give us some more details with the procedure using Sera Micron and what were the results.

Did you mix it with water to create a paste and then smear it like the egg mixture?
Or just powdered it on the surface.

Did the baby discus took it?

What was the survaival percent?

I might try this too especialy it is easier to find it compare to "food U"

Thank you!

Adrian Valea
04-08-2005, 06:23 AM
Hi Kodiak,

Thank you!

Can you give us more details?
How did you use "food U"?

What was the survival rate?

Food U is a liquid food that should not foul the wather like the egg mixture and my ideea is to use it to feed the newly hatched discus until they start to eat artemia.

Anyhow I will try food U with the next spawn and let you know how it went.

Sera Micron might work too, but this is powderd food that probaly have to be used like egg mixture (smear it in a paste form).


04-08-2005, 11:18 PM
I fed aprox 3-4 drops 5 times daily and don't believe the fry were eatting it. All were dead within 48 hours after free swimming. I never gave it a second chance after that. With egg yolk I get a better than 90% survival rate. I have heard good things about OSI's apr food and will be trying it soon. I'll post the results.