View Full Version : New with some questions

04-10-2005, 09:45 AM
I have a pair set up in a breeding tank they have layed 4 times and still going the number of eggs are getting bigger each time, the problem is that i have not had 1 fertile egg.

The Hatching timeline is great i would like to get there 1 day soon, is there a chance that some-one would be able to write up another timeline for before the hatching timeline.
Example: water condition, number of water changes and when to do them, do you feed them each day or more and what to feed them,
I hope that whoever understands what i am banging on about.

regards Saints13 :)

Barb Newell
04-10-2005, 09:27 PM
Hi, how old is your pair. If they're young the male might not be able to fertilize yet. Sometimes it takes several times before they're successful. I have a blue diamond pair that have spawned at least 20 times and still haven't got it right.

After my pairs spawn (conductivity 65 - 70) I do small water changes (25%) daily with water that is the same conductivity and temp. No drastic changes. Sometimes I squirt methylene blue on the eggs right after they're finished spawning OR sometimes I put 1 drop/ gallon of formaldehyde. I feed my pairs if they will eat and keep the tank as clean as possible.


04-10-2005, 11:05 PM
Welcome to Simply!
I keep my tanks at 6.5 pH (others say you don't need to keep the pH low anymore), my temp is 84 (US) degrees, General hardness is 4 drops (sorry I lost my chart), ammonia nitrite and nitrate is 0. That's all I test for. I do daily (once a day) water changes of about 25-30%, clean the sponge filter daily as well and feed daily (mine eat all the time), only pellet food no live food at all. When I see them cleaning the cone I keep an eye on them so when they are done laying I add one drop of formaldehyde per gallon.
Like Barb said the male can be young so you need to let them keep trying until they get it right. If you have any other filters like a hang on, turn them off, the less current in the tank the better.I only have a sponge filter going in the tank and I adjust the air flow so it's low. I would watch them when they lay. I turn off all the lights in the room but the tank light and sit in the dark and just watch them. That's how I find out which male is trying and which is just watching. If your male is just watching the female lay eggs then they will never hatch. Sitting in the dark watching them spawn if you can I think is the best, there's nothing to distract them. After they are done I turn the air up a little and add the formaldehyde like I stated above.
hope this helps,

04-13-2005, 07:04 AM
Hi to all,
Well they have layed again and i have taken onboard that was posted by Barb and Hexed so i will wait and see.
Once again Thanks and Barb and Hexed
regards SAINTS13