View Full Version : 2 month old fry twirling

04-14-2005, 11:26 AM
I have 20 - 2month old bss. Everything was going well until last week. I started to loose some of them. Some appeared to be bloated. I treated the tank with epsom salts.....all was fine. Then I noticed that a couple were rubbing on the filter so I treated them with "hyde" and did a water change 8 hours later. Since then I have been doing 50% w/c's daily. All appeared fine. As of last night I noticed that a couple started to dart and spin........then died. Now all of the fry are doing the same. I have since moved them into a new "clean" tank just in case I had a problem with the other. They are still spiining and darting. Any ideas?


04-14-2005, 11:41 AM
I had the exact same thing happen to two RT 6-7 wk old babies I purchased. They were in a tank with eight other babies ranging from 9 to 15 weeks and those are all fine. (all from the same breeder)

They had no other symptoms and the only things I can narrow it down to was possibly an increase in chlorine (my tap water has very little chlorine so I've never had to use anything to remove chlorine but now with babies I do)


not enough food. I was siphoning off uneaten food too quickly and the babies had nothing to pick at between feedings. I think the older ones can eat more at a time so are fine.

I did purchase four more babies (two from that same batch) of the same age and increased my feedings plus don't siphon off the excess so quickly and they have all done great and are growing like weeds.

I don't know if this helps you, I just thought I'd reply my babies did the exact same thing and then died and they looked perfectly healthy.

Good luck.


04-14-2005, 11:44 AM
Kristen: Thanks for the note. I don't have a problem with chlorine, the water has been aged for 2 days. The tanks that I just put them in has been going for a week and it has aged filters in it. I am wondering that maybe the problem came from treating the tank with "hyde". Maybe the filters died........not sure. There color and everthing else looks perfect.

Unfortunately, I have to drive down to Toronto tonight for meetings in the morning........so I have till about 4pm to do something if I am going to do it...........ahhhhhhhhhhhh.

Barb Newell
04-14-2005, 12:50 PM
Hi Jim. I'd increase water changes -- 50% in the morning, 50% at night.

Add salt 1 tbsp/ 2 gals and Furan2 (double dose). If you don't have Furan2 add meth blue 2 drops/ gal and salt til you get Furan.


04-14-2005, 01:02 PM
barb: Let me get this right...................1 tablespoon of salt per 2 gallons?

Barb Newell
04-14-2005, 01:46 PM
Hi Jim, yes 1 tbsp/ 2 gals. Some people that don't like salt may disagree with me, but if I am losing fry quickly and it appears that it is a bacterial gill infection that is what I do. If you're not comfortable going as high as 1 tbsp/ 2 gals add a little less.

High salt, low temp, lots of water changes, and Furan2.
