View Full Version : Sold some Tanks...1st time in 15 years, downsizing and wilds

04-19-2005, 06:15 AM
HI all,
Many recent events have forced me to make some very hard decisions. I have decided that I am not going to continue pursuing a commercial wild Discus Business.. When I undertook it , I gave it a year, and that time is just about up. The Idea was never to make money but at least cover the costs of my hobby addiction.... After a serious amount of soul searching and personal as well as financial evaluation I have decided That I can not do what I had hoped with the resources and time I have. Time to move on.

From Time to Time I will bring in orders, for my own use and may offer the opportunity for others to go in on orders with me... They will have to QT the fish though and share in all the risks.

How did I come to this decision? It wasn't easy, but I thought I would share it with you all. I know others Dream of a discus business so maybe some will gain some insight.

1) financial... Theres not enough money or interest in wild discus to compensate for my cull rate to get good quality to market. I have set myself high standards here. Properly conditioning the fish takes too long. I was quaranteening wilds for 4-6 weeks.With limited space that meant I was limited in how much and how often I could bring fish in and QT them. Shipping from South America is unpredictable and prohibitively expensive. Prices of many of the higher end wilds exported have increased at least 30% in the past year largely due to fuel costs I assume which have been increasing, yet the small market here forces the prices of retail to stay the same, or decrease.

My suppliers have a mixed track record with quality and theres no margin of error here for me.... The only way I could make it work is to compromise on quality which I won't do . I could find new suppliers but I think unless I invest in significant resources at the point of export I would run into the same. I'm Broke in terms of finances for this business. I went in with X amount of dollars ear marked for it. The startup was too much and there were a few losses that just really drained the war chest early on. Utilities in the Northeast are too expensive, It was costing me between $500-700 dollars a month in electric to run a few thousand gallons.....

2) importing domestics would help but I don't have the room and The quality / lack of consistent quality , I see out there generally doesn't impress me. I know the risk there as well just from watching other sellers. I think I would run into the same as with the wilds... and Add to it a list of diseases I dont want to bring in accidentally. Importing other fish would help , but I lack the space and resources to do it right. Partnerships are out of the question.

3) I'm getting old... and just can't keep up with 3 hours sleep night and multiple Jobs. I need at least 4-5 hours these days :) My health is suffering and thats not fair to my family.

4) This wild discus venture has taken so much Time I have not pursued my Educational workshops ( Natures Teacher) as I should have and that was supposed to be the primary business. I need to re-focus my marketing time there. The Discus was to pay for the Hobby. I miscalculated the time it would take to do it the way I wanted. Who could resist the attraction of always getting new fish? :)

5) I knew when I got into this it would be tough to separate selling wilds and Running SimplyDiscus. I knew there would be some that would use it against the site saying I use The site to promote my business. I have tried to minimize that by not promoting myself here..Never even gave myself a banner....I think I succeeded fairly well there... but it cost me the business marketing I needed for a new Business. I also spent so much time on this site and taking care of the fish...That I neglected The wilddiscus website which is to this day still off line. I always placed Simply First and always will.

6)Years ago I made a committment to SimplyDiscus and its sister sites. I made a committment to our Members and to my friends here... I feel in many ways I have not stuck to that committment. It was my right to try to make that wild discus business work...I know that , but I can't do that at the expense of my committments here, and I can't make that business work without sacrificing the time I spend on my forums.
My heart is here , and this is where I want the majority of my free time spent.

I am not a commercial seller of fish... I am a Hobbyist that used his obsession for discus to indulge himself with a Pipe Dream that I knew would not be possible given my current resources and situations. I never want to go thru life and look back and say I should have tried that and in this case ... I won't have to . I don't regret trying to make it work....someday I may revisit it when I have more resources and Time and can do things differently. I have learned more this last year than I have in a long while in the hobby, which is a good thing as it keeps me from getting bored. :) :) :) :D

So what will I do? I am not getting out of Discus..LOL That would be crazy :) :) :) what I am doing is down sizing... a little.... I am taking my latest fish room down... That will take me from 4000 gals to about 2500 gals. That room was built mainly with retail fish in mind as a temporary thing and I don't need it. I will be turning that into my den/office. .. and yes there will be a few big tanks in there with some favorites and even a non discus tank. The last year I have been using the dining room table as an office , and Its getting hard to find a place to set the plates for dinner, Not to mention my 2 year old son likes filing my papers in his toy Box. :)

I am going to focus on my Family and health. I need more down time.. with a 4 year old and a 2 year old... They wear me out :) but I love em to death. You should see Ethan , my youngest Tool around the fish room ...I think he's got the Discus bug worse than me. :o :) and my daughter Becky, at 4 knows most of the discus strains by name. :)

I am going to focus on Breeding..not as a business.. as a hobby, because thats what I am... a hobbyist. I have not had time for this. I Currently have all the breeding stock I could use... so I don't forsee bringing anything in too often I always enjoyed the crossing and breeding experiences best. Need to work on my system here and try some novel things.

On the bright side... I have about 10 pairs that are confirmed and room for at least as many more. I also have Alotemphasis on alot of fish, domestics and wilds to have fun with.

I am going to Focus on The forums.... and on all of you. I feel like I haven't really "talked" with anyone in long time. I Know I haven't been easy to reach lately and I can't help anyone if I am not online or availible for a phone call.

I do still have a ton of wilds and will probably have some for a while. and as I said from time to time I will bring more in.. so call me if you need something.

Thanks for reading this "memoire of a wild discus Dreamer". I have always tried to be open with everyone here about what I do... and always will be. I am lucky to have a considerable group of friends here to share this with.

Thank you everyone that supported me in the past year. I appreciated the faith you placed in me.


04-19-2005, 07:28 AM

You do what's best for Al !!!! It's family first and then hobbies (adictions) come after that !!!


Doug A
04-19-2005, 07:39 AM
I agree!!!!!


04-19-2005, 07:42 AM
Been there, done that ...

keeping discus is easy ... making a successful business out of it is HARD! I know what you're going thru and what you're feeling, cause that was me several years ago ... as a matter of fact a percentage of the tanks you are selling probably passed through my fishroom at one time!

04-19-2005, 08:42 AM
Hello Al,
I can't imagine the work and $ it takes to keep that many gallons running. I get tired sometimes with just two tanks- LOL!
I'd like to say I am sorry to hear that it didn't pan out for you but I'm sure it will take loads off you shoulders and mind. It's not worth risking your health. Your children are young, enjoy them, they grow up too fast!
Keep having FUN with your remaining Discus and tanks. I hope you still have a few discus for sale here and there. Once I sell a few of mine which who knows when that will be I may have room for more. You have always been very helpful to me on this board and I deeply appreciate it!

Carolina discus
04-19-2005, 08:47 AM
First....I totally understand and wish you the best!!!! Take a well deserved break, recharge the batteries, and get things in order. At the end of the day they are only fish and the family comes first!!!

Second...thanks for all you do for us and the hobby...I appreciate the board and look forward to many more years of enjoyment!!!!

Tanke it easy Bro.....look forward to hearing from you soon...

Carolina Discus

04-19-2005, 08:49 AM
Hi Al,
I agree with you 100% ..I love my discus but the family go before the discus!
Thanks again for your hard work and commitment to this site and to all the hobbyists. You did a lot on helping each others and it take a lot of time and energy.

Thanks again and have a nice day;) !


Greg Richardson
04-19-2005, 10:15 AM
Al. Thanks for sharing your heart. Great to see your kids into it.
It's good to go for goals and it's also good to know that some goals aren't at this time going to fit into lifes priorities. Better to realize that than to continue to suffer through it.

Thanks for this place.
Without it I bet a lot of discus people would have lost a lot of fish.
I know I would have.
What I've learned here compared to books is like night and day.

One other subject. I don't give a rats *** about others whining about you using this site to sell your fish. Put up a banner. Why should you not be able to is beyond my understanding.

Let the ones who cast stones buy elseware.

Fact is the market will determine whose fish is bought the most by the quality of the fish and the customer service that goes with it.

No amount of banners or any other tactic by anyone will matter in the long run.

That is the beauty of the market.

04-19-2005, 01:58 PM
I second that opinion, running a board is a lot of work, there certainly
is'nt anything wrong with you getting a banner up. If anyone gripes then you know for sure they haven't had the resonsibilty of running one of these things! (I speak from experience, I run a private board for a model R/C airplane club and write a newsletter, it takes alot of my time), just like you
Al, up to 2am working on everything.
Tom R.

04-19-2005, 05:00 PM
You are a strong and good man. Putting family and health over everything else is very admirable. Good luck my friend.

04-19-2005, 05:02 PM
I'll add to my previous post:
I'm with the others on the banner Al. I think you should have one.

04-19-2005, 05:06 PM
Sorry to hear this Al.
Health and family is always first.

I hope I can still call you for more Altums:)

04-19-2005, 05:28 PM
Al, thank you for this wonderful board, follow your Heart in your decisions on your comercial discus endeavors ...You will do well doing that.


04-19-2005, 06:50 PM

I can only imagine how difficult a decision this was for you :( But you and everyone else is right.. family and health come first :)

It'll be good to see you on the boards more too :)

All the best to you and family


04-19-2005, 07:38 PM

Thanks for all you have done. You've always been there for me when I asked for help, and you've never even met me. Guess that is the general idea behind this forum. Anyways, I think you've held up your end of the bargain just fine. Thanks for all you've done and continue to do. I too would like to be able to own some of Al's Altums someday. :)


04-19-2005, 07:48 PM
Family and health come first. That's a great decision :).
All the best to you and your family :).


04-19-2005, 08:16 PM
I know the feeling. At least you are not getting out. Hang in there.

04-20-2005, 03:54 AM
Al, I can relate to much of what you said. I'm sure you will love just breeding your discus without all the hassles and time restraints importing brings.


04-20-2005, 07:26 AM
I dig where you're coming from. Ain't easy. But sure is a lot of fun! I didn't realize how big your set up is! In any case, my sentiments are the same as everyone's...I wish you well in all the hats you wear. And everyone posted is right...Family and health is absolutely a first priority. But more than that, keep prayers alive! Faith in God is the ultimate first!!

**Angie :angel:

04-21-2005, 05:07 PM
hi al you need to take care of yourself and family everything else will work out if there is anything i can do just ask i would still to come up on the april 30let me know if its ok take care dennis

04-22-2005, 09:03 AM
Wow. I go to see Al at his house on Sunday, then 2 days later he says he's going out of business. Was it something I said?! :confused:

:p j/k Al. It was great meeting you...I really appreciated the time you took to entertain my rookie questions. Best of luck with your new plan!

04-22-2005, 09:42 AM
All the best to you and yours Al. Downsizing is hard enough, getting out is down right impossible. We were fortunate enough to find a new home that we can have a few tanks up and running in the garage. So we are going with the "still fun, hobby size obsession". Stay well and spend time with family, that is the most important thing in life. Best wishes, Susan and Bill

04-22-2005, 09:56 AM


04-22-2005, 11:45 AM
Al You may have closed this door but another will open. It may even bring you back to this door one day again.

Also spend as much time with your kids as possible. They will only be a child once in their lives. When you get old you will look back on their lives as well.

04-26-2005, 08:41 AM
Best of Luck Al, and as everyone else has said, family and health should always come first. Not the same but I know what your going through, my family started a paintball store and field a couple years ago and just the stress of it all could be very overwhelming at times, on top of also holding another full time job. Got awful hard to put a smile on my face some days for the customers. I'm sure it was the same for you. It always seems as though our best laid plans always come unravvled, but its the events you don't expect that cause something to flourish.

04-28-2005, 04:49 AM
Thanks everyone... I appreciate all the well wishes and good luck thoughts. Its been a tough couple of weeks... I took down 3/4 of that fish room... sold some tanks... reorganized.

Took a weeks vacation with the family doing day trips, then 3 days mental health break playing with the fishes and thinking about the forums... and dodging calls...sorry if anyone was looking for me....It was necessary. :)

I'm back and I Don't feel too bad over the decision to stop importing the wilds for the forseeable future......I'm having some fun again , and just put some pairs back on RO. ;) :D I even have a few tanks of Non-discus that i am playing with..

Thread fin geos
keyhole cichlids
and even cardinals.

Worked on my water garden/pond as well.

oh well... thats life!

thanks again,

04-30-2005, 01:41 PM
Hey Al,

Boy I didn't see this one coming...I have not been on the board as much as I would like to lately (work, work, work) and then I read about you not importing wilds for awhile...bummer!!

I do commend you on doing what is best for you and your family...I know that it must have been a tough decision for you.

Best Regards to you and your family Brew,
Lester :)

Jeff in NC
04-30-2005, 02:55 PM
Wow is it only me that thought 3 hours of sleep a night and all that work was amazing????Good for you bro sounds like you lifted some weight off your shoulders.I cant say enough how much Simply has meant to me .Thanks for everything Al.Jeff

05-10-2005, 05:46 AM
From what I read, it sounds like you made the right call. Good luck in the other business ventures. The best investment is always in yourself & the family.

05-11-2005, 09:36 PM
Hey, Al!
Thanks for all the work! But don't you go breedin' those Altums before I do!!! :p

05-12-2005, 07:07 AM
:) Don't Worry Dave, From the best I can tell... I have about 2 years before My fish will even be thinking about spawning. ;) Then watch out...I am a persistent Bugger when I set my sights on something. :)

Tell you what.. you breed yours , I'll bred mine... and we'll swap F1's to cross into the lines :)


05-13-2005, 02:47 PM
Your fish are the same year as mine. They are said to start the mate selections as early as 18 months. Is it reasonable to think that a fish like an angel will spend half of it's life or more before being ready to spawn? I discount the 5 yr. wait.
Trading f1 . From there, once we have a good foundation stock, let the pearlscales and glow-altum producers run crazy. But first, a good foundation stock with no inbreeding.

05-27-2005, 09:32 PM
hi AL! yes, i too am a discus addict, my addiction started many years ago, traded in some fish and got my first three..it all seemed so simple then.
of course my addiction grew, so did the number of tanks, and of couse the electric and water bills. it took me some time before i had to admit to myself i have a problem.

but like most addicts, its hard to just cut back, i had to let them all go to break away from my addiction. things are under control alittle more, but i'm still under recovery. i kept my angels, the babies are starting to lay their own eggs now, guess they're not babies anymore. got two spawns growing, no i'm definitely a long way of being cured. not sure it'll ever happen.

i hope to move within a year or so, fish room plans will always be in my head, so no doubt, i'm sure i'll wander down that road again, i'm keeping the breeder rack and air pumps just in case...

lol, i really hope you can work things out, you've been under a ton of stress. i tell you, you and cary where the same shoes sometimes..lol.

good luck al!


05-28-2005, 07:00 AM
Hi Mike!
Great hearing from you, I have missed seeing you posting. :) Thanks for the comments .. and Yes... Cary and I often have alot in common! :)
