View Full Version : Edgy discus?

04-28-2005, 09:06 AM
just purchased 10 discus from a local breeder about a week ago. I have them in a 40gal long grow out tank and will be splitting them up when they get big enough. The tank is being cleaned by an AC 300 and an AC 500, with a 200w heater and a powerhead on medium power.

My question is how long does it take for them to get used to me, for the first couple of days they only swim around the tank when the lights are off but recently they have started to roam around and such, normal discus behaviour but whenever I walk in or out of the room they get frightened and crowd into one corner, the tank is bare bottom. After a couple minutes they begin to roam again. Just feels weird having my fish scared of me and sometimes they freak out and jump when I turn on or off the lights. Just wanted to know how long it would take for them to get used to me.

Also, I'm looking into making beefheart mix, done my research and everything, and have been lurking this forum for about 2 weeks. My question is if I can use a blender or a processor to mix the beefheart or do I really have to get a grinder/mincer.

Furthermore, 3 days ago I spotted on of the larger discus with white stringy poop and I came to a conclusion that it has capillaria, so I added in 4 spoons of epsom salt and have been doing a 25% water change everyday. I havn't seen any white poop after that but I'm not sure if it is still there or not. All the discus are eating and behaving normally and they take turns being territorial, the epsom salt has turned them into monsters. I was wondering if I shoudl further treat my tank with any other meds, prazi or anything? Or just keep doing the salt/wc thing?

Lastly, do discus juvies/fry and such change colours as they grow? I was told by the breeder that I have some snakeskin crosses, and other stuff but I have seen a picture on someone's site and it had a picture of the discus I have and it said that the strain was of pigeon blood. But the pigeon bloods I see on other sites look different. I don't have a camera handy right now but the fish has an orangey body, black outling on the fins, and some cool looking patterns on the fins. I'll try and get pics soon but that's the best I can describe them right now.

I know this has been a long first post and all but thanks for reading and such.

Thanks in advance to any answers or replys.

04-28-2005, 09:46 AM
Before you enter room, break into "Blue Spanish Eyes" in tenor. Don't stop singing till you are out of the room. Try some peat moss or ketapang to reduce stress. YOu'll have them begging at the glass everytime you walk in roaring.

Doug A
04-28-2005, 09:32 PM
I got my fish almost 2 weeks ago . They were acting just like yours are. They still do a little bit but they are getting used to me more everyday. Tonight they came up to my hand when I was feeding them. A couple even nipped at my hand.

Give them some time and they will come around. Spend some time sitting in front of the tank without moving much so that they get to know you.

How big are your fish? 10 in a 40 seems a bit crowded. I have 8 2.5 - 3" in a 55 and I am moving them to a 75 soon. With 10 discus in a 40 you shoud be doing more then 25% w/c everyday. I have been doing 34gal on my 55 everyday and on weekends I do one in the morning then another at night.


04-28-2005, 11:23 PM
i dont thnk you need an aquaclear 300 and a 500..a bit much in a 40 gallon tank. must be alot of current. give them time..and keep your ph even. keep doing wcs daily..and that will help them from getting stressed and get used to you working around. only feed tiny amounts..so they come up begging for their food. id say you have pigeons...do they have fine pattern on their gills?

04-28-2005, 11:25 PM
how big are your new discus? 2 inch? they do feel safer in larger groups. they can stay in there for awhile if small little guys..but need lots of wc. if bigger..then they;ll need more space very soon.

04-29-2005, 07:58 AM
Welcome to Simply Brian.

Give them time and they'll get over the shyness. I would be a little concern about the white poop. It might be a potential problem. I would treat them all for worms and isolate the one that poop white and treat with Metro.

04-29-2005, 11:50 AM
THree of them are between 3.5-4 inches. Three or four of them are between 2.5-3 inches and the rest are in the range between 3 - 3.5 inches. Should I isolate the discus white the white feces? Or should I just treat the tank as a whole. Hex-a-mit is around 15 dollars for a pack of 10 at 250mg, and the recommended doseage is 250-500mg per 10 gals. If I do the whole 40gal and treat all of them, I would be spending around 30 dollars on meds?

04-29-2005, 01:25 PM
THree of them are between 3.5-4 inches. Three or four of them are between 2.5-3 inches and the rest are in the range between 3 - 3.5 inches. Should I isolate the discus white the white feces? Or should I just treat the tank as a whole. Hex-a-mit is around 15 dollars for a pack of 10 at 250mg, and the recommended doseage is 250-500mg per 10 gals. If I do the whole 40gal and treat all of them, I would be spending around 30 dollars on meds?

Hi Brian,
You can purchase Metro at Jemhco.com
100gr for 12.00 plus shipping. You need to treat for 5 days at 400mg per 10gal. 50% waterchange daily.