View Full Version : Hydro V trouble

Greg Richardson
04-30-2005, 11:39 PM
Second time buying sponge filters. Last ones I had I took off the lift tube and they stayed down. It was a smaller one then the V.
This one I put in there without lift tube and it won't stay on bottom.
Yes, I squeezed the sponge before installation.
I feel stupid asking this cause it has to be something easy. LOL!

05-01-2005, 07:21 AM
Just soak it for about a day first.... or weight it down for a couple days.... IT will stay eventually.
HTH peter

05-01-2005, 08:10 AM

Sometimes the simplest of things can be the most annoying... :)

Sponges will stay down once they become thoroughly saturated and free of air pockets. Before placing in the tank, completely submerge in a bucket and squeeze out all the air...it then helps if you keep the sponge pressed firmly together in your hand as you place into the tank. Using this method with a single squeeze during water changes will also help keep it saturated and prevent it floating to the surface.


05-01-2005, 10:02 PM
Drop them in a pot of boiling water boil them a short while sqeeze them out and their good to go

05-02-2005, 10:58 AM
Just keep squeezing the trapped air from the sponge and it will stay down eventually. New water has lots of diffused CO2 that form air bubbles in the sponge. Put the lift tube back. The lift tube is the engine of the sponge to generate suction to pull the surrounding water through the sponge as the bubble rises through a narrow tube. This action provides the chance to the Nitrobacters to do their job properly. Without it..... is acting as an airstone only. Do a search on Venturi principle and you will understand.

05-02-2005, 11:43 AM
A bit of aquarium silicone in the middle of the base plate will keep it in place. Don't use a lot. A razor will remove it when you want it out.

Greg Richardson
05-02-2005, 04:04 PM
Thanks a lot everyone for your replies.

Last night I resqueezed it and did as told holding it as I put it back in water and a bit of weight on top and it worked.
Should be able to remove the weight tonight.

Interesting info about lift tube. I never knew that.

You'd think the manufacture would tell you that so you are using their product to the fullest.

All the info very much appreciated!

Thanks again!