View Full Version : The Effectiveness of a Diatom XL Filter

05-04-2005, 11:25 PM
I have had experiences using many filters. Never did I cross one like this Vortex XL. Amazing results. And surprisingly, no algae what so ever! AND I didn't have to lower the hours of using the lights nor hide tank from sunlight. I really believe this filter is powerful -- more than the AC500 and Biowheel!

The only glitch I had were minor, i.e.,

Instructions were completely goofy;

Annoying water dripping which I figured it out by purchasing a nut which has extra threading to cork the nut from falliing off the screw due to constant vibration;

Strap to hold jar was a bit awkward--took me a while to adjust;

No exact measurements to insert into jar for the Diatom Powder. This is really awkward. I've read the pamphlet that came with the unit and no where in there tells me how much powder should be inserted! So I assumed judging by the amount of the pre-packed powder pack that was included in the box. Perhaps a leaflet is missing? Maybe. Or maybe the person who invented this "perfect" little unit probably went celebrating on the day he or she first received his/her check, :D and

Noisy. This is the least concern. But it is noisy yet so powerful.

Incredible filter for sure -- really gets rid of water mites and other stuff found in water.

A* ;) :thumbsup:

Photo of exhausted diatom crust on filter bag

05-04-2005, 11:29 PM
photo of the jar in process of cleaning.

05-04-2005, 11:31 PM
Jar filled with DP.

05-04-2005, 11:32 PM
Fixed leaky water problem...

05-04-2005, 11:35 PM
Installing new water to tank and starting the Vortex filtration.

05-04-2005, 11:37 PM
The fish don't seem to be bothered by the cloudiness of the filter. In about 20 minutes all will dissipate. ;)

05-04-2005, 11:39 PM
Fresh new steriled tank water. As soon as it dissipate I began seeing some pairs. Both discus and ANGELS. Yahooooo! I keep my fingers crossed on this one. ;)

05-04-2005, 11:43 PM

05-04-2005, 11:44 PM

05-04-2005, 11:49 PM
Last one...

Thanks for looking.
*Angie* :)

05-04-2005, 11:53 PM
Oh, one more... my faves. I couldn't help but to post pictures of this... My COBALTS. ;) :wave: Jack!


05-04-2005, 11:59 PM
Sorry, but I am elated...I have to say :wave: Fred and Brian!!! :sun:


P.S. I sure hope I didn't double post with pictures. I'm beginning to worry. I'm looking over and over and over at the thread to see if I double post. It does feel awkward not knowing what file is inserted or attached to the post. :D

05-05-2005, 02:09 PM
:D :D Hey Angie, I couldn't agree more!! Mine is the smaller one, but the same things apply, a great polishing filter & I wouldn't be without one.. I use one cup of the powder in my filter, think I used the same in the previous XL, or you could do 1 1/2 cups...I also used to charge it in a bucket then transfer to the tank, but now I use a green plastic florists vase that has a handle, put it in the tank with the inlet & outlet tubes, start it up & put the powder in. When it runs clear, just take the vase off the glass front & drop it down in the tank, then remove-- "voila" the inlet & outlet are in the tank & no powder gets away!!! (I'll try to add a pic)
I've only used it 24/7 for problem tanks, usually just put it on & clean the tank up overnite if necessary, noise is not a problem & it can be used continously... your tank pics look great!! JMO Dottie :cool: :cool:

05-05-2005, 06:17 PM
:D I knew you'd agreed with me Dottie!! LOL

The manual alone is a trip. LOL I thought it was me that was confused but I re-read and re-read and re-read just to find out that whoever wrote it must have been celebrating and just left the script to drunken proofreaders. LOL

That is a great idea you have, which by the way I did read something to the fact in the manual. However, those poor fish will be terrified at the thought of another humongous thing hanging over the tank. :) So I just grin and bear. :D

Please post more pixs of your elaborate connections. Love to see them. ;)
And, thanks! :)
