View Full Version : NWCD discus are wiped out.

05-06-2005, 04:53 PM
Hello everyone,

I am coming back for a long time I was very extremely upset about my discus hatchery is destroy. I lost lot of pairs, young adult’s babies, Angelfish pairs, Germnay blue rams pairs are wiped out.

Last time I got order discus I got 10 discus one of them had carry virus to outbreak disease to my healthy discus.

The first tank of pair up snakeskins they wiped out I don’t know why? I took them to college lab for fish the students are studies for salmons, trouts, etc. I have not heard from their report.

Next week all discus are wiped out. I could not save them. I lose them thousand dollars worth of them.

I am really miss them so much.

I have to do start over again.


05-06-2005, 04:56 PM
first tank they wiped out, i took them to college for lab. those are adults snakeskins.

05-06-2005, 04:59 PM
Same as above

05-06-2005, 05:02 PM
pairs, adults, youngs, dead

05-06-2005, 05:04 PM
pairs of angelfish young angelfish and pairs of germnay rams.

05-06-2005, 05:05 PM
So sorry for your loss Duncan.

05-06-2005, 05:09 PM
Sorry to hear about your fish :(.


05-06-2005, 05:20 PM
Funny this is the first time I have ever heard about it. What can you do? You get some guy who says he was wiped out by you and never bothers to even contact you. If I had problems with discus I think I would let the person know. If it was my discus why didn't you QT them? If you did QT them you would not have lost your hatchery. Funny how you recieved 1/3 of the shipment that went to Vancouver and no one else has problems. Glenn also has discus that came in on the same shipment. Glenn what problems have you had?

05-06-2005, 05:29 PM
The Date of the Shipment to Vancouver was Feb 20. This is the first time you are telling me that you had problems and I wiped out your hatchery????????

05-06-2005, 05:52 PM
:cry: :cry: :cry: So sorry for your loss Duncan, Dottie

05-06-2005, 05:57 PM
Duncan, it is very sad to see and hear about your loss. I feel for your Loss. At the same time it is a very strong acusation towards the seller.


05-06-2005, 06:01 PM
Hi Duncan,

sorry to see your losses, what are your quarantine procedures for bringing new fish into your hatchery? any fish from any seller could be potentially dangerous, healthy fish showing no illness or symptoms from 2 different sources can kill each other when mixed.

Take no chances and assume every new fish brought in is carrying illness, QT QT QT!

05-06-2005, 06:20 PM
I am sorry to hear about your loss. But, I just want to say that you cant point fingers at anyone. There could be several others factors that could of contributed to this.

05-06-2005, 07:05 PM
Duncan sorry to hear..when you get your results back..please report what the findings were. If you feel that shipment in february caused this..then you should have contacted the vender and discussed it . what other fish did you bring in after Jeffs? other species?
what were the symptoms? without pointing fingers..can you tell us some more information what were the first signs..how long was your quarantine etc. did you wait 6 weeks or so then mix? perhaps someone else can learn from your disaster..to prevent someone else from losing fish.
YOu have imported alot of fish in the last year. quite often..its like russian roulette. sooner or later..it explodes.

05-06-2005, 07:18 PM
Ok I got fish in the same shipment all mine are ok didnt do anything to any of my other fish all is ok here.

05-06-2005, 07:20 PM
i also had fish from the same shipment. and..some of the ones duncan got..were some of mine..he got out of confusion..so same fish..same tanks. i have mixed fish..and have not lost any fish.

05-06-2005, 07:40 PM
I have fish as well from that shipment with no problems


05-07-2005, 12:16 AM
Very sorry to hear this, Duncan. :(

I sure hope you continue on with the plans of keeping fish. Don't let this discourage you from believing in you. Every mistake is a lesson and every lesson is invaluable. What you went thru could have any of us fit that shoe. It is a lesson we learn...be cautious on who you order from and use the QT procedure with any species you receive. Keep high maintenance levels as well (clean and disinfect tools and areas, you can't miss on this one; viruses get killed by using the bleach and TTO).

I wish you luck.

Barb Newell
05-07-2005, 12:39 AM
Hi Duncan, I'm so sorry about the loss of all of your fish. I know how hard you've worked to build your hatchery and how much your fish meant to you. What happened? This is the first I've heard about it. As April asked, what were the symptoms?

Did you purchase fish from a few different sources recently that may have carried disease, US... Canada... elsewhere?


05-07-2005, 12:43 AM
Hi Duncan:

I'm seeing this thread for the first time. :( This is the worst nightmare! Recently with all the scare of Cryptobia I'm reluctant to purchase any fish from anyone although the temptation never ceases!

I have seen and admired many of ur beautiful discus over the past 6 months that I have been on the boards and some nice spawns too! I am sure Jeff will be good enough to get you some FREE nice fish for you to restart the hobby.

I wish I could ship, I'd ship you two of mine for free! :)

take care,

05-07-2005, 04:38 AM
So sorry to hear of your losses Duncan, that must be devastating. Although it is no comfort, I think all of us have lost some fish at some point, although not as many as you have.
I do not see mention of Jeff in your post now, I am not sure if it was edited or something. Regardless, the best thing you can do in a situation like this is contact the seller and discuss it with him or her. Many times I have seen sellers get blame when there was no definitive way of knowing the cause of the sick fish. If others received fish from the same breeder and shipment, it is hard to imagine why yours would have a problem and others did not. Again, I think you should discuss this with the breeder.
Hang in there, there is always some way of moving forward.


05-07-2005, 06:29 AM
Sad story. I know it's hard to see now, but fish are always replaceable. I recently lost a prized & VERY expensive fish myself. Retrace your steps and see how this may have been prevented so it won't happen again in the future.

Give yourself a little time to sulk, then pull yourself up & get going again. Put things in perspective like I did: you lost all the fish, a close friend just lost his father.

Maybe there are some Canucks that will be kind enough to help you get started again. I could tell from your previous posts how much discus meant to you. If I lived close by, I'd give you some of mine. Wishing you all the best.

05-07-2005, 11:01 AM
Sorry Duncan. It's hard when you're so passionate about the hobby. It has happened to me. Look the the bright side, now you have more room to get more fish.

05-07-2005, 11:08 AM
Sorry to hear of the losses Duncan. It has happened to a lot of us unintentionally. I too would be interested in finding out what the test results say.


05-07-2005, 11:21 AM
I am sorry to hear of your loss. AS others here have said, it happens.

I hope you get back into this again soon, just be sure to bleach everything, including yours walls, floors, and out sides of the tank... a spray bottle with 10% bleach works well.

I hope the labs can pin point what happened. Sadly, They can't always help in matters like this.


05-07-2005, 01:33 PM
Hi Duncan,
I feel very Bad for You and Jeff,

You because You lost all Your Prize Discus! And Jeff Because his Name was pasted to this Post Making him look like he was the problem of all this. IMO this is not Jeffs fault at all its Your respectability to QT and test the discus before you add them to Your own stock not his. Also why did You not contact Jeff? Or come to the forums for Help maybe We could of helped You and saved some of Your Fish.

Its been IMPE That a lot of people really do not know what they are doing! and like to blame others for there lose. Now do not take me wrong I' am not sticking up for Jeff but what You have done here is WRONG! this should of been handled between You and Jeff long ago!

Also I know that a lot of Hobbies do not have the experience to clean or cure sick Discus and most sellers should also learn about disease in discus before they start selling Them But again it is still up to the buyer to know what he is doing or what is going on before he blames another. For Me I do not have a problem with anyone's discus. I feel I can buy from anyone and deal with only a few major problems if that! It is also wrong to blame one country for sickness when it happens in all.

As for Your statement and the fact of Me knowing! I know for sure that if Jeff was selling sick Discus that Jeff would know and I would know and lots of others would to! but it seems that is not the case and the only one haveing problems is You!

My point here is IMO You are the one to blame not JEFF! and if My memory is correct the last time I sold You and April discus 3 months ago not to mention the 20 newbies on simply You were the only one out of all of them who had the most problems with fish death. I mean come on Duncan you lost My rams,Angelfish,swordtails,Guppies ETC... within a 1 week period.

IMO I know were the problem lies and its not Jeff discus. Now I' am sorry to say this but I believe You owe Jeff a apologie Even though the damage has been done. I also think You need to check Yourself before You wreak Yourself and Jeff.

IMO I believe you need to look at your husbandry and or your water source! Because from what I have been reading and hearing You are the one that may be lacking on the experience of what really happened. Are you sure that there was no water breaks in Your area?

Are You sure that Your water company did not add something to your water that day? I know for a fact As the summer temps rise more chemicals are added to combat bacteria + Parasites.

Anyway's Again I' am very sorry for Your lose but to blame Jeff without any real proof only makes you look bad my friend.
Well If You need some help restocking I would be glad to send You some help but only after You find the true source
to your problems for I would hate to be next on Your BLAME LIST!

Cary Gld!

05-07-2005, 03:20 PM
Cary, glad to see your post. Good post. I believe that this experience will make this person a better Discus Keeper. I really feel bad for the beating jeff has gotten on his name and business as well as how badly I feel for Duncan and the the lost of his fish.


05-07-2005, 04:22 PM
I know you must be feeling kinda empty right now.
Sometimes when people experience great loss they say and do things they don't mean or really even believe themselves. You have gotten alot of good advice from your friends here. There are still things to be done that can turn this around though. Once you start to get a handle on this at a personal level you'll start thinking about how much more you know now than when you started and will learn from this. Then getting a fresh start will sound like a good idea.
I hope you come through this better for it,


05-12-2005, 12:54 PM
Hi Everyone

I read whole the posts.

That is really HURT my feelings lose lot of thousands dollars worth of them are wiped out.

Right now I have NO JOB. I am a single daddy I have two little son. I am handyman to help the house to work as fixing or improvement home to earn money for supportive living for myself and my two sons. That I made money is not much this time because I don't earn so many hours and work.
My two sons were very upset and sad their favorite discus and swordtails are gone. I told my two sons don't worry we will get some nice swordtails and discus from the great breeders.

Now I have no fish in my hatchery.

In few days ago I talked phone Jeff . I told him on the phone I apologized him. He said that something wrong with my water. I have been tested ,my water were perfect but I can not see what is water had something inside of chemical.

I washed with bleach all tanks, glass lids and heaters, I threw out old sponge filters, replace new air line, for my new restock.

I don't BLAME Jeff. I was trying talking to him on the phone. he was not answer. I wish he should keep in touch with me via MSN however he is always busy. Jeff is a nice guy.

We CANT do anything to save so many beautiful prize discus.

I am going start my restock with discus again.

We have to learn our own mistakes next time doing much better.


I am really very upset and sad they are gone!.


05-12-2005, 01:26 PM

I know how u feel. Losing that much fish and hardwork is hard to bear not to mention the $$$$ factor.

Let me help u get back on your feet. The gesture may not be much but I will help as much as I can in terms of breeding stocks / juveniles to get u started.

Comin out and admitting that u were in the wrong takes a lot of courage and maturity. I applaud u for that.

I will work this out with Jeff when he comes here to see we can get u started back again.

05-12-2005, 02:25 PM

Again, I am sorry that you and your children are suffering from the loss of the fish and life circumstances. I think it is very admirable that you apologized to Jeff for the misunderstanding. Orient's post regarding giving you help to get restarted is very generous, I think you are lucky to have people around who are willing to help, as there are some discus sellers out there who would not do anything at all in such a situation. I wish the best for you and your future fishkeeping efforts in the future.


05-12-2005, 04:25 PM
Wow, so sorry for your loss. I hoped everything is getting better now. For me, just losing one of my favorite fish hurt already, and imagining all those discus. Again, I feel for you.


05-12-2005, 07:51 PM
Yeah i feel pain when viewing this horrible thread... You need anything buddy im near you can help out in anyways possible,,,, Jay from Vancouver

Just a thought anything going on with the water up in that area? My budy lives near you and he stated something about the water last month????? :confused:

AGain i would feel devistated and feel bad for yah...

05-12-2005, 07:57 PM
Hey if your in vancouver anytime I can swing you up a job if you got the skills in construction..

I read in here something about Cryptobia? whats this?

05-12-2005, 08:12 PM
Duncan..if my memory serves me right..you were building a new hatchery or fishroom..and moving all your fish over to it . perhaps moving them all..had soemthing to do with it? new lines..or as cary suggested..they do add tons of stuff at this time of year to combat beaver fever.so no chance of walkerton ontario happening again.
thats a nice gesture..orient.
and duncan..thats great you apologized to jeff.
i feel for you . I KNOW you loved your fish and hatchery.

05-13-2005, 03:16 PM
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your supportive me

April is right. I am still love discus is number one!

I made cancellation for my shop. Because I have no money and no fish this time.

I am looking for my new restock discus for my breed program again.


05-14-2005, 09:05 PM
Duncan , I just came apon this post, I am shocked and I want to know why you just asked me to buy a discus off of you? and not tell me you lost your stalk? from sickness? is it your plan to spread this disease to my tank and my friend's tanks too? and you know that you lost fish but didn't care to tell me when we were talking? what would have happened if I bought that fish off of you???? well I'm not surprized by this and it wouldn't be the first time that I bought fish from you and they ended up being sick... Sorry Jeff rest assured that this sickness didn't come from you and I live in the same town as Duncan and our water is fine couse I phoned the water company myself after reading theese posts.... I'm sorry everyone for airing dirty laundery in SimplyDiscus but I was appauled after reading on the site that duncan lost a lot of fish and NOT bothering to tell me but asked me to buy his fish when he KNEW his fish were sick.....Vet

05-15-2005, 07:06 AM
Duncan: Sorry to hear your problem. That's common to imported fish. I can offer you some suggestions that I've found after many years of importing fish from various countries and shared the same bad experience like everybody. Pay special attention to your local water parameters while quarantine imported fish. Ph shock and wild swing of Ph when medications added in each type of water. Chemical don't react the same to all waters. One breeder found out by duplicating the same quaraninte procedures and same amonut and type of medications added during quarantine period and found out that fish were raised in natually soft and acid water react differently in hard water and a wild swing of Ph that have cause fin damage and some may even fall off within 24 hours. Most develope white spots and very prone for infections of various kind. That explain why the same brood of fish thrive in one tank and wipe out to the other. Check you local water and knowing the properties of their chemical reactions to each medication. Some commonly used medication can shift the Ph from 7.0 to 9 just by adding to hard water. That's the major killer of all imported fish. Many of his importers were told to use R/O water to acclimatize their new fish and that have helped and even stop finger pointing to each others altogether. Keep them in Ph 6.5 and 150 ms. Do not believe all Malaysia fish have problems in every spring. That's a very strong statement given by some people. The problem lies in your local water and your own procedures. The exporters should have done more research in that area and give sound advice to their buyers.HTH

05-15-2005, 07:46 AM
There is absolutely no way to tell what happened here, as there are way too many variables. But since the others had no problems, it appears fairly certain that the new fish were not the cause. That is about the most clear thing in this matter.
One thing I could add to explain the excellent observation just made by Jimmy L. regarding recieving fish- the drip method is a killer, sometimes. Why? Ammonia in the bag. The co2 keeps the pH low, and the ammonia not too harmful. Open the bag, aerate, and you have higher pH, within a minute or so, sky-high ammonia,( that is the reason pH shift is blamed) burns, gill damage, columnaris setting in. Add to this when you float the bags, you get a temp. increase. 5 degrees = 34% increase in ammonia toxicity. This old type of reception is OUT.
Next, take a look at what happens when shipping. Where has the shipping box been before? Did the outside of the bag contact the shipping box? Then into your tank? Did the shipping box , in other facilities, contain other bags, that sat on a table with all the other wet materials from every tank in every facility that the box passed through? Boxes are re-used, often, and it is up the the buyer to take precautions.
The float, drip method is so wrong, how can so many not even question it after all these years?
A better method? Keep the bag CLOSED. Do not contaminate the tank with it. Net the fish straight out, immediately after opening the bag, and into the tank. RO or sub-micron filtered water WILL reduce problems, due to reduced pathogens for the stressed fish. And JimmyL, the low pH and is also a great suggestion, as this is now also showing better results.
And wash hands after handling the shipping bag. Whether or not you wait for temp. to rise, keep the bag closed, and out of the tank.

05-15-2005, 11:51 AM
Well..those fish came february 20th. He was getting alot of fish from alot of different places. not just discus..other kinds also. its like russian roulette.
Duncan i think it might be best to choose one breeder..and get one group and not so many. you really only need about 5 pairs of discus at the most.
Better to have 5 nice pairs than tons and tons of adult discus..to care for..and tons of tanks to care for. less work..easier to keep an eye on things..and still if you get even 3 pairs breeding constantly..thats alot of fry tanks .
one discus store that was in vancouver..imported..and sold. he had a net and a siphon on top of each tank..Everything was kept very separate and never put hands from one tank to another and he didnt have problems.But..some things can be airborne also in a very humid closed place .
Hope those new fish you got will get breeding for you and you have something to work on.
Did you get the lab reports back? what were some of the symptoms? did they go dark and slime up? or did they just start spiralling and die? water problems can cause them to freak out..spiral..and die.