View Full Version : breathing fast a bit...

05-07-2005, 04:37 PM
I just got 7 juvies this morning (wild blues X royal blues)
The transport has last about an hour and when I arrived home, I noticed they were breathing very fast in the bag. I tested for ammonia in the bag and there was some in the bag, so I figured it was the reason for their fast breathing.
Now they are in their new aquarium but they are still breathing fast.

They are hiding when I'm in front of the tank but it's probably normal since they are a bit disoriented from the moving. When I look at them from far they are not hiding.

But do you think they are just a bit nervous and that's why they are breathing fast. Should I just let them alone until tommorow to make them calm down or should I do something right now for this fast breathing?

P.S. They are 7 1.5'' in a bare bottom 27 gallons with a cycled hydro sponge and a heater.

05-07-2005, 05:49 PM
do u plan on moving them to a bigger tank soon ? put some salt in the water
2 tablespoons per 10 gal and give them a day or two to settle in and see how it goes keep an eye on them. have u tryed to feed them yet ?
post any new probs
good luck

05-07-2005, 07:57 PM
I'll move them in a 65 gal in few weeks but for now they have enough room in the 27.
I tried to feed them a few frozen bloodworms this afternoon but they did not eat very much. I'll wait until tommorow morning for the next feeding.
I tought salt was just used to improve the slime coat, isnt it???

05-08-2005, 07:13 AM
it is also good for reducing stress and helps gill funktion (sorry bout the spelling)
non iodized salt
have u checked for amonia and nitrites that will also cause probs

05-08-2005, 01:18 PM
If the transport only took an hour then ammonia burns form overnight shipping is not hte problem. I would guess they have parasites of bacterial gill infection. Try formalin at 1cc per 10 gallons, do not raise temp, add extra aair, wait 8 hours and do a 50% water change withpH stable water. IF discus imporve with use of formalin you can dose everyother day for a week.

05-08-2005, 02:51 PM
and what about salt carol? do you think it can help or not really worth trying.
thank you