View Full Version : RO waste water

05-08-2005, 01:01 AM
I want to use my waste water from my RO unit to mix with the RO water in my breeder tanks and to fill my other tanks. I tried setting up a line running to a storage tank with a T connector with the other end going to my drain saddle. Unfortuately the drain saddle is closer and lower to the RO unit then the storage tank so the storeage tank gets no water. Does anyone have suggestions on how I might set it up so I can fill the storage tank with RO waste water? I don't want to move the RO unit which is under my sink.

jeff cannons
05-08-2005, 07:25 AM
Hi Russ you could do what I do and use the water from the first two pods before it has passed through the membrane , what I have done is add a T piece to the pipework as it comes out of the second canister then aa piece of pipe too a tap , then when I want good clean filtered tap water I run this off and mix it with my RO water, I have been using this method for 3 years now !!!!

05-08-2005, 12:25 PM
you could put an over flow in your waste barrel then put all the ro waste water in it when it get full then it will go down the drain.

05-09-2005, 12:57 AM
Thanks for your responses, both good idea's, in order to put an over flow in the storage tank, I would probabley have to cut a hole in it which I don't really want to do. Last night after I posted I thought of a possible idea, to move the T connector right next to the storage barrel and run the line leading to the drain saddle all the way back to the drain, the only problem I could think of is that the waste water will have to run a total of 23 feet until it reaches the drain, would this create too much back pressure on the RO unit?

06-06-2005, 01:45 AM
I have been using this setup for a month now and it seems OK, but I have a low fertility rate on my young pair and was told by a couple of people that the RO waste water that I mix w/ my tap could be a possible reason, I thought that RO waste water was cleaner then tap because it went through a sediment and carbon filter.

Jeff, I might switch to your setup if this is the reason, in your setup can you fill both the RO water barrel and the clean tap water barrel at the same time or do you have to wait until one is done shut a valve then fill the other?