View Full Version : Maroxy affects biofilter

05-10-2005, 11:43 AM
I used Maroxy after the last spawn I had, to make sure that it wasn't the fungus that was preventing the eggs from hatching.

I used it as some have recommended here, and as is recommended on the packaging.

Anyway, this is a warning that Maroxy used this way (even with 50% water changes each day) can adversely affect the bio filter.

There was no effect on the biofilter after the first day (I check water conditions daily when I add anything new to the tank). However,
I noticed three days later that nitrates did not increase overnight, so I tested for Ammonia and Nitrites and found 0.5 ppm Ammonia and a trace of Nitrites. I did an 80% water change, which took both to almost 0, and the next morning, the Ammonia is barely detectable and there is no Nitrite at all.

Just a warning that Maroxy clearly can reduce or kill of at least part of your biofilter. There are no warnings on the packaging about this, and I actually checked on line before I used it to see if anyone else had this problem. I hope in the future, others will find this message before they use it, and know to look for this problem.

05-10-2005, 12:21 PM
Use Meth Blue to stop fungus on the eggs not maroxy.

05-10-2005, 06:11 PM
I had used methelyne blue previously, but it wasn't as easy to find as the Maroxy, and since others here recommended it, I gave it a try. It's back to the methelyne blue, now. It also can affect the biofilter, but I know it won't in the concentrations I previously used for egg fungus.

05-10-2005, 11:30 PM
Fungus will not prevent eggs from hatching. Fungus attacks dead eggs only. Hyphea grows across goods eggs giving the appearance of attacking good eggs, but it isn't. Your problem lies elsewhere. You need to find out why the eggs die.


05-11-2005, 01:01 PM
Shin Shin, I'm assuming the eggs die because they're not fertile. The male is young (under 9 months) although they have spawned 5 times already.

I didn't use any fungicide for the first 4 spawns, because I had the same experience you describe, that it's really not all that important to stop the fungus.

However, this last time, I wanted to see if any of the eggs might be fertile, and since when there is a large fungal growth, it's hard to see if only a few eggs hatch, I decided to control the growth with fungicide, and use an egg guard to prevent the pair from eating the eggs. Well, no eggs hatched, and only a few stayed amber, did not turn white until 72 hours later, when I gave up, took off the egg guard and the parents ate the eggs.

I'll probably use nothing except the egg guard for the next several spawns and see if anything develops.