View Full Version : Just purchased, What type are these?

05-15-2005, 05:12 PM
I just purchased 4 more discus, around 5-6 inches and they are currently in a 30 gal tank.

I was just wondering what these were, especially the ones with the bars across the eyes.

I know that one of the other one is a marlboro red and the other one is a fuji red. Just unsure of the barred ones.


05-15-2005, 05:26 PM
They're Red Turqs.

05-15-2005, 05:35 PM
I was told that they were red spotted greens by the person I got them from because that's what someone told him O.o?

Oh well.

05-15-2005, 06:20 PM
Hi Kumar, thanks a lot.

I got the fuji red, marlboro red and 2x rsg from Joao but from what most people say, I have red turqs? But its okay, they are very nice fish and he treats them very very good. Its sorta unbelievable :), very nice guy and smoooth transaction.

05-15-2005, 06:44 PM
I see red turqs, pigeon bloods, and a bd.

05-15-2005, 07:47 PM
Hey, Brian. you better think about getting a Bigger Aquarium....!!!!


Dave C
05-15-2005, 08:59 PM
I agree, a new, larger tank is in order. But those fish are nowhere near 5-6", with or without tail. They do look nice though.

05-16-2005, 12:00 AM
I agree:)
I have one similar in marking.

05-16-2005, 01:10 AM
they could very easily be a rt x rsg. thats how they originally started creating the red diamonds.or the leopards. nonetheless..they look like they are gonna be nice fish. do lots of wcs daily at least 50 percent or more in a tank that small..or you could end up with stress related problems..or water problems. keep your eyes open for a bigger tank. id go with a 90..or a 72 or 77. however..they are all the same length.and the price difference isnt alot between the 3 sizes. 90s are very nice sized tanks.

Jeff in NC
05-16-2005, 01:45 AM
I agree with everybody on the strain.But what you got were some really nice healthy clean fish.Jeff

05-16-2005, 08:18 AM
Thos pictures were taken by the previous owner in april, they are a lot bigger now, especially the rts/rsgs. They are around 6 inches now but the other two are significantly smaller, well... not THAT much smaller, maybe 4.5-5 inches now.

They are very nice fish, eatings from my hands the first day I brought them home. They are still a little shy though. I find that adults do well with adapting then the smaller ones. I have a tank of 10 pieces, 1.5-2.5 inches in a 60 gal right now and they are skiddish, slight movements scare them but they eat a lot.

The adults are more calm, not scared by much. The previous owner used to pet them and hand feed them and stuff, very interesting. I am currently running an AC200 but I was thinking about switching to an AC300? My 60 gal currently has an AC300 and an AC500 on it but I was told to take one out because that causes too much current. I do daily water changes, 25%, if not then I do water changes every 2 days, 50%. Tonight will be the first time I'm doing a water change for the bigger ones (the ones I just got which are in the above pictures)

And to clear everything up, I think people are confused about the size tank I have my fish in. I have 4 in a 30 gal and 10 in a 60 gal and I also have a 90 gal without discus though :P

05-16-2005, 10:23 AM
oh..ok great. that sounds fine. sounds like they will do fine. guess its the way it was worded..sounded like you had them all in a 30 gallon.

05-16-2005, 10:39 AM
I really like that Red Turq. He is looking really nice. ;)

05-16-2005, 11:05 AM
Nice collection. Those pb have almost no peppering at all.

05-16-2005, 02:57 PM
Hi Brian,

The following link, pic #153, is a Red Spotted Green.
As per Ryan, the last bared Discus is a Red Turquoise.


I just picked up a redspotted green for 50 bucks.. Great fish he is being treated right now and is showing off very nicely... The guy thought he was a bluesnakeskin ANd so did i till he has been treated now his colors are really showing through...


05-16-2005, 03:48 PM
The fish in the last pic looks similar to the leps I got from Danny before their striations started breaking up. Nice looking fish whatever you call it.

05-17-2005, 11:46 AM
Yeah, I've come to a conclusion that the two patterned ones with all the controversy are red turqs from kumlins and the fuji red and the marlboro red are also from him.

My water is a little cloudy now, doing daily water changes and feeding bh mix, bw, brine shrimp and colour bits. The bigger rt, the male I presume has been developing cloudy eye and I am currently treating it with some of the counter meds.

05-17-2005, 12:35 PM

What are you using for filtration? Did you cycle your filter before you added your fish?

05-17-2005, 12:58 PM
These fish should be 6" by now. The turquoise came from me. They came from the F2 RSG parents. He is a throw back from the RSG. You will have F3 RSG from him. An intermediate fish. Sold as turquoise by the second owner. You are the forth person who own that fish since birth. The Spotted Tangerine also came from me. They are Pigeon SS cross with a solid yellow . They will have tiny white spots cover the whole body as they get older. Completely free of dust. Many of them have spawned already. The Third one was imported from Hong Kong by a freind of mine as Albino red????? which is just a dirty Marlboro Red who came from Albino parents???? according to the breeder. which I doubted very much. They cost a lot of money to imported them from Hong Kong and was sold way below cost due to black dust. All black dust will disappear in soft water or Ph-6.5 and as they grow. I kept 2 just want to prove the exporter is lying. HTH

05-18-2005, 08:36 AM
I'm using an AC200 on the 30 gal with 2x sponges and filter floss in between. Its been cycled for about a week but I don't think its good enough. I squeezed some of my other sponges from a cycled tank with the other 10 discus in them into the new tank and it looks like its clearing up. I can't tell how much it cleared up because I've treated the tank with Furan2 for cloudy eye so the water is tinted green.

JimmyL, are you sure you're the one who imported before Joao got a hold of them? They are around 5 or 6 inches right now, some more or less bigger or smaller.

They don't eat as much as I would expect, the 10 little ones in the 40 gal eat a lot more than the new ones I've gotten, I don't know if this is normal or not?
I put in 2 pieces of beefheart in the morning and they finish about half of one to one whole one and leave the other one there. They eat little portions of colourbits but the one thing they do devour are bloodworms and brine shrimp.

05-19-2005, 12:50 PM
Hi Jimmy,

Do you have pictures of the siblings of the spotted tangerine? How old are they right now? Also, I was wondering if you have anymore information of the 4 fish that I've gotten, since you said you were the previous owner of them. I am interested in the history and such of any of these fish so please let me know as much as you can about them.

Thanks in advance.

06-15-2005, 08:56 PM
Hi Brian,
I think there is a little confusion here. When i sold you the fish i told you about the strains. The ones i got from Kumlin were the red fujy and the red marllboro. The other ones i got them from Sam, I mention that to you, remenber i told you this guy is from mississagua, well, where he got this fish from, i don't know. I was told from Sam they were green spotted discus, and i even mention to you that i don't see much green on it, we discuss that remenber? but that what i was told they are.
If they were from Jimmy it's a possibility, here in Toronto we get fish from lots a different breeders.
Yes, my fish eats from your hands, they used to that with me, i treat them like a good pet, they rub in my hands when i'm cleaning the tank, and they allways come to me when i come down in the basement, they know me when i'm walking.They never stressed, because i have a quite room with lots a kid sometimes around them, but they know how to handle them. You saw when i grab the fish from the water right in my hands, and they never move. It's amazing how nice this fish are, they not even run away from the net.
Brian, i told you that i wasn't feeding beefheart to them, only b.w. brine sh. , flakes , tetra bits, and spirulina flakes. I just gave them beefheart in the begining then quit. That's why they are not too fat.
Thanks Brian for the purchase, and wish you all the best.
Please check your p.m.
