View Full Version : SUPERBABY

05-19-2005, 04:54 PM
after 48 hours of hatching I had one remaining wriggler..........

have removed the single wriggler in the whole spawn, as I the parents had lost interest and I want to prep for the next spawn.

I removed him carefully with his surrounding eggs and blob and put him in a margarine container, he became freeswimming a few hours later. I put some black tape at one end which attracted him immediatley..... I syringed some beaten egg yolk at him........

I did this a few times.... he seemed to take and stay there after a few times......... immersed and wriggling like normal ( I hope he was eating) After the feed I put him in fresh aquaruim water in another container.

I repeated 3 times until I went to bed............ at 1am I had a guy call with a wrong number that woke me up............ (does my superfish have a guardian angel) and I checked on him and he was still alive!!!!!

I fed him again and changed water........ the whole time I have him under a light to try and keep temp up. I woke this morning at 7am and hes still alive........

he is SUPERFISH!!!!

Fed and changed water......... not sure if he ate tho??? He is still swimming and seems ok............

now the dilemma.............. do I pack him up and take him to work to keep feeds up................ AM I NUTS............. MAYBE...........LOL

this guy seems to be a miracle...........

any similar experiences???


05-19-2005, 06:28 PM
Hi Poppy:
Newly hatched discus live off their yolk sac for the first day or so. You could try to artificially raise him (search for threads telling the food mix), but I bet your pair will lay again soon and produce more wigglers this time.

05-24-2005, 02:31 AM
The little one is still alive.......... growing a bit and feeding well from waht i can gather

hes five days free swimming now........ his chances are pretty good i think :)

what do you think??

any advice on getting him to grow?

thanks\\ poppy

05-24-2005, 05:18 AM
SUPERBABY is an apt title for this fish. If he is doing well so far, i see no reason for things to change. Keep the water clean and make sure the water your changing with is the same temp as the water he/she is in. Keep up the good work though , I think your doing a brilliant job

05-24-2005, 03:45 PM
You'll want to start hatching baby brine shrimp (not frozen adult brine shrimp) - should be able to buy packets at your fish store

06-02-2005, 02:22 PM
So did you take your fish to work with you???

I told some people about you a couple days ago... :D