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View Full Version : how do I artifitially raise fry?

05-25-2005, 11:00 AM
I have 2 different pairs that lay eggs and fertilize them properly on a regular basis but continue to eat them at some point in the process. Sometimes they eat them right after they're laid and sometimes its after 10 days of freeswimming. They are both young pairs but have laid enough now to have plenty of practice(10 or 15 hatches each). I'm starting to think I may have to pull the pairs as soon as they finish laying or I'll never get any discus.How do I go about feeding them when they become freeswimmers until they're on bbs?

05-26-2005, 08:09 PM
I too have been thinking about trying to raise a spawn artificially. My pair also eats their eggs. They begin eating them on the 1st day and by the end of the second day all of the eggs are gone. The only time they left most of them alone was when they spawned in my community tank. That time I did get some wigglers. My pair are now in a 29 gallon by themselves. They spawn every 5 days or so but always eat the eggs. This week I even covered the spawning slate with wire, but believe it or not, they still were able to eat the eggs through the mesh.
I have a copy of "Breeding Discus Yearbook". This is a book/magazine that was put out by TFH publication in 1996. Sometimes you can find copies on EBay. In this publication Jack Wattley describes how he raised approximately 40% of his spawns artificially using a homemade egg concoction until the fry can eat BBS. The main problem with this approach is the labor involved. You have to do 3 to 4 water changes a day after every feeding. If you don't change the water the egg will foul the water and kill the fry. Maybe I could try this when I am on vacation. LOL.

05-28-2005, 04:55 PM
Well I decided to go ahead and give it a shot since the fry were being eaten anyway. Placed fry in a cereal bowl just before freeswimming stage and when they started free swimming I put a ring of egg yolk mixture around the top of bowl and raised water level. It's been 48 hours and I've only lost one so far! They seem to be eating the egg and I do a water change every time I get a chance. If I can get them to bbs I just might have a shot

05-29-2005, 03:18 PM
Are you using raw or cooked egg? Please describe the method you are using. Thanks!

05-29-2005, 09:02 PM
I also supplement with Hikari First Bites and coral food, Kent PhytoPlex. Not sure if it is necessary but my last try with just egg mixture did not make it. They survived ( not gaining size and stay too small to feed BBS) to about seven days and them slowly drop dead.

This new batch is about three days free swimming and are doing better with this new diet. Can actually see food in stomaches and are gaining size - I believe.

06-04-2005, 02:00 AM
how do you keep the temp right

06-05-2005, 08:53 PM
Article is very helpful. But where did you get your Hikari First Bites and coral food, Kent PhytoPlex? Please give some advise. Thanks a lot!


I also supplement with Hikari First Bites and coral food, Kent PhytoPlex. Not sure if it is necessary but my last try with just egg mixture did not make it. They survived ( not gaining size and stay too small to feed BBS) to about seven days and them slowly drop dead.

This new batch is about three days free swimming and are doing better with this new diet. Can actually see food in stomaches and are gaining size - I believe.

06-05-2005, 10:08 PM
Yeah i was going to try this but only found this info on this subject! The fish were eaten..
