View Full Version : Fishless cycle

05-26-2005, 05:02 AM

I did a fishless cycle for 8 days 5 p.p.m. Nh3, 85 temp, air.

No Nitrites 0r Nitrates yet.

So I put 2 teaspoons of Marineland Bio-Spira in the 5 gal. pail and 24 hours later, Nh3 3-4 parts, 1 part nitrite, 5 parts Nitrates.

I must of started with 8 or 9 parts not 5 as I thought.

I only used 2 teaspoons I bought 3 ounces for 18 dollars from
The Lighthouse


Shipping was high, I used overnite U.P.S., I was told by Maireland that even 2 or 3 day shipping would be fine. Thats what I will do the next time.

They said some of the culture would wake up, and if not awoke for too long when re-chilled they would sleep again.

I had to try it, I didnt think it would work, but they proved me wrong.

Great stuff. Its very hard to find.

Anyway this stuff works no more 4-6 weeks for me.


05-26-2005, 02:38 PM
Great, hopefully it will come down to Florida when I'm ready to cycle my next 55. I've been seeing all the LFS's getting the specialized mini-fridges with Marineland's Bio-Spira logo on it. Unfortunately, they're empty.

05-26-2005, 05:02 PM
Yes, Biospira is the bomb for cycling. I wish everyone really knew it so they could quit wasting their money on stuff that doesn't work and the real stuff was stocked everywhere. Until then, http://www.marineland.com/StoreLocator/StoreLocForm.asp

here is the link to Marine Land's Store locator to try to find a store that stocks Biospira near you. Call first, because stores do appear on the locator that no longer stock the stuff.

I have no stake in the company, just found that it really works, and did some research on what it is and why it works--
The answer is that this is the real bacteria, and all of the other products aren't.

05-26-2005, 07:29 PM
Go on...Barron...this is great. I was dreading cycling my tanks to
get ready for fish. I just moved and am still in the process of setting
up the fishroom. I think I have the water thing figured out but was
not looking forward to the 6 or 8 weeks to get the filters ready. I
read the info on the link you posted and this stuff is like having
an old filter to use.
Thanks for the post and the info.

Butch :)

05-26-2005, 08:36 PM
I got the 7 footer tank off billlllllllllllllllll and filled it on a friday straight outta the tap.... Warmish water 84-85F dig thermometer said!

Then added a sponge from 65 gall tank and that was it,, added some new powerheads and filters (new), Then cycle dropped a small bottle in doubled dose but didn't have enuff then same with waterconditioner and didn't have enuff...

Thus 1 hour later fish went in it been a week + now and they fine... Readings on everything is spot on..... I do a 50% wc daily split in the morning and evening to 25% and 25%.. Fish are laying Discus being all real touchy is a total myth..

They just need fresh water /lotsof vaccums and good food...

oh and my 50% wcs are straight from the tap not prepped water anymore... Im trying things out differently this time

05-26-2005, 09:26 PM
Yes, that's the other way to do it. If you already have a cycled tank, sponges from your cycled sponge filter are even better than biospira. However, if your existing tank is already pretty crowded, and you want to add a large bioload to a new, bigger tank, Biospira can still really speed things up, even if you do steal a sponge or two from your old tank.

I still like to use clear ammonia to beef up a transfered or new filter in a new tank. It's very comforting to see the ammonia get eaten up by the new filter, at a rate you know the new fish cannot produce--so you know for sure you will not get an ammonia and nitrite spike.

However, I'd like to make the point that I wish all LFSs and even everyone who sells fish knew about biospira and why it works and get them to fishless cycle their tanks either the old fashioned way or with biospira and would tell all their customers so we could have no more dead fish from the new tank syndrome.

05-27-2005, 01:11 AM
Never tried the clear ammonia before sounds strange?

05-27-2005, 09:58 AM
the ammonia works good i think takes 4-6 weks but works and don't cost
a much

05-28-2005, 11:34 PM
Never tried the clear ammonia before sounds strange?

Ammonia works very well, just make sure you get clear ammonia not the sudsy or lemon flavored ones.