View Full Version : A Little Market Research

05-30-2005, 07:49 AM
I have to do a report on market research and if you could respond to this small survey I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

Please answer each question in the order that you read them.

1) When purchasing a discus fish what is the most important to you?
*Colour, * Size, * Health, *Interaction with you

2) What colour do you find most attractive and would purchase for your
*Reds, * Blues, * Greens, * Yellows, * Whites, * Wild caught

3) What body style do you perfer?
* High Fin, *Round Body

4) What is the most you would spend to purchase a discus fish?

5) Would you like to have your discus fish accustomed to eating flake food
or tetra bits?
* Yes, or * No

6) At the place you purchase your discus fish what else would you purchase?
* Food, * Supplies (please give examples), * Medication

7) Do you prefer to purchase?
* 2 - 2 1/2", or * 4 1/2 - 5"

8) Are there any special products you find hard to purchase that you would
like to see being sold where you purchase your discus fish?
__________________________________________________ ____________

9) How far would you travel to purchase a discus fish?

10) Where do you go to purchase your discus fish?
* Breeder, * Retail Store, * Internet, * Out of the country

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer these questions. I look forward to reading them all. Have a great day!!!

05-30-2005, 07:53 AM

I guess we can send responses to you via private message. Remember to delete your messages as your box will fill up.

05-30-2005, 07:53 AM
Oh yeah- and promise you will post your report back on this thread.

06-01-2005, 07:46 AM
Hi everybody!

Please take the time to fill this survey out. I need to have a paper done soon for my business class. I know that survey's can be a drag, but i would appreciate it.

Thanks again!!

06-14-2005, 09:36 PM
Hi Again,

I was wondering if i would be able to get some more responses to this survey. It would be greatly appreciated.