View Full Version : Need some "forced pairing" advice.

05-31-2005, 05:31 PM
I have a nice male and female that I'd like to try to get together. The male is one of my Yellow Crystals that has succesfuly raised two spawns with his mate. The female has laid eggs and helped her mate gaurd them till the day they would have gone freeswimming, then the tankmates in the community overwhelmed them and got the eggs. Her mate has since paired with a different gal in the same tank so she is alone. I want to put her with the YC male and see what happens but I'm wondering if I should just put them together in his breeding tank (w/out his current mate of cource) or if I should put up a divider and let them see each other for awhile first? She hasn't laid in a long time but she's mateless in a community tank so I hope this will get her stimulated again. Any advice and or suggestions wellcome.

05-31-2005, 06:52 PM
hi kaceyo,

How are you doing?

My advise you is let him to mate with your two females. That works so well.

You can set up two breeding tanks. When your females ready to lay eggs. When she would be ready to spawn you should give him in the breeding tank; You can give the male in your female breed tank to let them spawn and raise about one week old Fry, you can take out the male. you can put the male in another female's breeding tank.



05-31-2005, 08:54 PM
If Both male and female Spawn!

Then it should work!

I force pair all the time with proven breeders and it works 80% of the time

Cary Gld!

05-31-2005, 09:15 PM
Thanks Cary & Duncan.
I'll put 'em in without a divider and watch close to make sure they get along.


06-01-2005, 11:53 AM
Hi kaceyo,

No problems.

It works for me when I can do force pairing. they can spawn and raised the fry no problems But not always. it might be get more than 85 %. Cary and I are the same thing do that.

I had 3 diffrent females mated with my one male. They had carry babies no problems.



06-01-2005, 06:44 PM
might want to move the male in with the female do he is coming into her tank . . .

06-03-2005, 02:07 AM
Excellent Carol !!! , What I had done with them!

I already miss them very much I love to have fun with discus breeding.

but I have only three pairs but they are not PROVEN breed pairs.

I hope I would have nice babies discus in the near future!


06-03-2005, 08:48 AM
The female is in a community tank and the male is in a breeding tank with his current mate raising a batch of fry so it'll have to be her into his tank. I'll remove the fry and the female soon and give him some alone time before adding new female to his tank. Maybe then he won't feel like the new female is an intruder.

I'll tell you what everyones been telling me all along. Be Patient! It will happen. Thanks for the advice.


06-03-2005, 03:43 PM
. . . . or you can pull him out and put him in a bucket and stick her in the tank first, then reintroduce the male . . .

06-03-2005, 05:30 PM
Carol, whats the reasoning behind doing it that way? Am I trying to reduce the chance of him acting overly territorial? If I were adding a male to a females tank would the same precautions be needed? I can see where adding him back into his tank with the female already there would change the dynamics of their introduction to each other. Very interesting.


06-05-2005, 06:02 PM
To stop the tank "owner" from being territorial