View Full Version : Is Krill OK?

06-02-2005, 01:15 PM
I recently got two new fish that were used to being fed Krill. I normally feed Sera Discus Pellets and frozen Blood Worms but, to help these two get settled, I starting including Krill. Now all but one of my Discus has developed quite a preference for Krill! They look at the worms like they've never seen them before! My question is, does Krill provide the nutrition these juvies and young adults need? If so, I'll change the menu! If not, I'll try to ween them from it and get back to pellets and worms.

Dillan :confused:

06-02-2005, 02:18 PM
Yes! Krill is an excellent food source for discus! It has a much higher protein level than BH. But I wouldnt feed krill alone...keep feeding the bloodworms and pellet food. Maybe try introducing a flake food to complete the diet.


06-05-2005, 01:22 PM
try to get your fish hooked onto beefheart morning and bloodworms with mysis shrimp mixed in the evening easy no mess and they grow fast with large wc's//
Krill is messy stuff isn't it?

06-05-2005, 06:24 PM
My fish were sick (one died) and then I had to move them all when my tank sprang a leak -- twice! They've had a rough couple of weeks so I'm happy to give them ANYTHING just to keep them eating thru it all. Now that everything's been settled for a week or so, I think I'm gonna wean them off the krill a bit. As you say, it's messy. I'd also prefer they ate mostly prepared pellets which are more balanced.

Funny how individual these fish are tho, eh? My Blue Diamond had never wavered -- loves worms, doesn't understand the fuss about krill and won't touch it!

06-11-2005, 12:51 AM
I've got one small fish that still really like krill cuz it's easy to nibble on, but the rest are more into heart now. Man, that raw beef flesh sure churns them into a feeding frenzy! Krill is so messy I'm not going to use it any more. Little bits of it get stuck to everything, even covers the glass with fuzz if there's the slightest bit of algae there to cling to. yuck.

06-19-2005, 03:32 AM
Yeah bare bottom tanks are good for feeding cleanups.. I usually do my w/c's after feedings.. Im going planted tank again with the discus so i will see how messy it gets thinking fo leaving a foot of bare tank at the end for a feeding space??