View Full Version : Using salt and/or QuICK Cure on fry

06-02-2005, 02:55 PM
My 2nd batch of fry has hit the 3 week mark. I opened the top to find the first death in this batch floating there waiting for me. They aren't showing any signs of bloat, scratching or loss of appitite but I was thinking maybe a prophilactic dose of salt is in order (Does salt help keep gill flukes in check?). Can small fry handle salt at a couple TBSP P/10gal? Also, I have some QuICK Cure that is Formalin with Malachite green. Is it safe to use on fry? The label doesn't say what the % of Hyde is and it says to use one drop p/gal, not 2 drops p/gal like regular 37% hyde. If I can use it on my fry what is the recommended dose to keep flukes at bay?


06-02-2005, 03:30 PM
How much water are you changing?

Salt is fine. It seems to make everything a little better and it is safe. Even if they did not need it you won't hurt anything by adding some. In the past I have used 2 heaping tablespoons per 10 gallons without problems.


06-02-2005, 03:45 PM
Hi John,
I'm changing about 50% a day on the 3 week olds that are still with their parents (there are about 30 of them) and 50% 3 times a day on the 8 week olds. They aren't showing any symptoms other than 1 died but this is my first time breeding so I may not catch every sign of trouble. Can I put the 3 week olds in with the 8 week olds? Maybe put up a divider between them? There are only 16 8 week olds in a 29gal so Putting all the fry together would make it so I could do more W/C's on all the fry. I'm in a condo and have a limited amount of space for storing my growout water.


06-02-2005, 08:37 PM
16 eight week olds in a 29 is plenty. You really need another tank. Probably need to do two 50% wc per day on the 3 wk olds. Also probaly need to dose with formalin or try the quick cure.

06-03-2005, 04:57 AM
Please check the other fry if they have any problems. If the situation is; Mostly just a couple of fry swim close to surface then die every other day, they might have a fluke problem. In this situation what I do is to treat the tank with formalin. 1-2 drop per 10 gallon, change about 25-30% water everyday for 10 days and redose ONLY on 1st 4th 7th and 10th day. After the treatment you can continue with the usual water change schedule..

About the 8 week fries I definitely agree with Carol.
