View Full Version : bristle nose catfish

06-18-2005, 02:38 AM
Hello there,

I am looking at getting some bristle nose catfish for my discus tanks.

Does anyone else here on the forum have bristle noses with ther Discus?

I am going to put them into a tank 320litres with two adult discus.

To quarintine I have metro, prazi, acriflavine with malachite green and meth blue.

Do you think I will need anymore meds to quarantine with?

also does anyone know if the bristle noses are sensitive to any of these?

Also I live in Australia and the meds I mentioned are virtually all that I can get my hands on, the only antibiotic cure available from pet stores here is tetracylcline and should I use an antibiotic?

06-18-2005, 02:59 AM
Gday Ozone,
Yes I have Bristlenose catfish in my display tank with discus , no problems.
Question do why do you medicate the fish in the quarantine tank ???

06-18-2005, 03:00 AM
Another in the same corner this time with some discus ;-)

06-18-2005, 07:13 AM
We have some in our tanks. Just make sure you slowly increase your water temp in the qt tank before putting them into your discus tank. they are a cooler water fish.

06-18-2005, 07:57 AM
You will kill your bristlenose. Any anthelmintic will cause bloating. Just Methyblue and nothing else. check with "tlum". He has Brsitlenoses coming out of his ears.

06-18-2005, 09:05 AM
thanks for the replies, apparently they're quite easy to breed aswell. JimmyL what on earth is a anthalmintic you have me stumped there mate lol

06-20-2005, 06:49 AM
Dewormer of all kinds. like Prazi in your list.

06-20-2005, 09:25 AM
Panzi is Ok. I have BNs in most of my discus tank. In my 120 gallon tanks, I have 10 1.5 inches BNs. They clean the tank really well and I have never needed to wipe the tank wall. I use panzi once a year to deworm (or as needed as I suspect that they had gill fluk and never lose any of my BNs because of that. I also use PP regularly and never have a problem. However, you should never use Clout on your BNs. They will not kill them, but, they will make the body of the male deformed. I once put Clout into my goldfish tank with five BNs. The 3 females was doing fine after the treatment, but both males got the body deformed after the treatment.

Jummy, do you have luck breeding your BNs?


06-20-2005, 09:50 AM
I had a pair of common ancistrus ( bristlenose) in my discus tank and i found that they tend to pollute the water alot more than the discus and the angels. they can cause alot of pollution and I had their feces strung over all my plants and this is within 2 days of a W/C. So I took em out and keep the in a tank by themselves. Other than that, they are really peaceful with other fish....

06-22-2005, 06:57 AM
Hi Terry: The Zuccini works. Now they breed any time I want them to.
As Terry mentioned Gold fish and BN. They make a good partner. You may not agree with having goldfish in your discus tank. Adding only one among 50 fish in a 65 gallon is just fine for me. I have one gold fish in each of my overcrowded grow-up tank. There is no need to siphon tanks as the goldfish eats all left overs including their excrement. With a central system running. The only work I do is to feed them.

06-22-2005, 12:12 PM

Great to know that Zuccini works. If they are not in a discus tank, a big water change with cold conditioned tap water will also stimulate spawning. It works for me many time. I now stopped give zuccini to my pair as I have way too many baby BN. I need to sell some of them before allowing them to breed again.


06-23-2005, 06:43 AM
Interesting that , how do you give zuchini to the bristle noses do you just feed it to them or do you put it in the tank with them.

At the moment one of my discus has gone very dark and is in distress I'll be doing a waterchange on that tank when I get home tonight. I think that I might have put too much buffer in the tank water.

It's a tough call because if I don't use the buffer the tanks ph drops and it distresses the fish and this time I think I may have put too much buffer in and it may have caused the problem in that particular tank.

However all the other fish are well she's my best egg laying fish aswell. her ovopositer is always out and she lays about once a week with a healthy male.

I always wondered why a discus keeper that I have visited kept a gold fish in the tank...Now I know because they eat all the crap in the tank you learn a new thing every day and that's one for me.

06-23-2005, 07:39 AM
Cut Zuccini into slices and blanch with hot water until they sink. Store them in freezer and feed by dropping a few slices into the tank.

Scott S.
06-23-2005, 05:40 PM
And that only works with bristle noses?

I love gold nugget plecos :)