View Full Version : Minimum size for breeding

07-04-2005, 08:23 PM
Two recently aquired 4" fish spawned, to my surprise, on a piece of 5/8" vertical tubing in the tank. Was able to identify the male and female. Eggs, of course, didn't last long.

1. Is there a minimum size for spawning/breeding?

2. How likely would this pair be to have a successful spawn at this age/size?

Water parameters in the tank: pH = 6.4-6.6, GH = 2, KH = 1-2, temp = 86-87F. Tank is bare-bottom 75 gallon with an odd shape: 24" square x 32" high.

07-05-2005, 10:50 PM
If they are young it would take several "tries" before they are ablre to raise the fry. They will need their own tank to be successful. Size of the fish doesn't matter as much as parental instinct.

07-07-2005, 01:46 AM
20 gallon is the min. I prefer 30 gallons with a 10w heater and a small sponge filter.