View Full Version : A BIG Thanks!

07-08-2005, 10:04 PM
Dear Members,
After one year of raising four store bought discus in a thirty gallon tank (What a mistake on so many levels!), I have decided to approach raising discus the right way. I have learned so much on this fish over the last year that I wonder where would I be without this site! So I culled my two remaining stunted fish and packed up my thirty gallon(in my shed). I now know why so many say dont but your fish from your Lfs, unless they are grade A(Which is rarely the case). I have made room and plan on purchasing a 75 gallon tank and raise six discus the right way. This includes frequent water changes (As Juvaniles), multiple feedings using a variety of foods as well as purchasing the proper equipment. I am buying my fish from one of the breeders advertised on the sight. But this is going to happen within the next two month's so I just have to be patient. I want thank EVERYONE on this site for helping me (I sound so dumb!) and cant wait to start with a clean slate. Thanks again!
P.S.- I'm not leaving the site so no goodbye's!

07-08-2005, 10:15 PM
Good Deal Mike! :thumbsup:

Be sure to post some pics when you get your new tank up and running. :)

07-09-2005, 11:30 PM
ARe you going to do a fishless cycle on your filter?

07-10-2005, 12:00 AM
Yes Carol I am. I have been reading alot about ammonia and a fishless cycle and dont really get it. Could you explain to me what I have to do with my filter/water when doing a fishless cycle? Thanks alot.

07-10-2005, 12:16 AM
Fill the tank with water (remove chlorine).

Install filter.

Add enough clear ammonia (no perfume/no suds) to read 3 - 5 ppm on your ammonia test kit.

Test ammonia every few days. Do not add any more ammonia until level drops to 1 then add enough ammonia to measure 3 - 5 ppm. (This may take a couple of weeks)

When ammonia starts dropping start testing for nitrIte. (feed a capful of ammonia every day or two to keep bacteria alive - don't overfeed) It will take a couple more weeks for nitrIte to rise then begin dropping.

When nitrIte shows start testing for nitrAte.

When nitrItes begin falling and nitrAte rising your trank is nearly cycled - the whole process may take 4 - 6 weeks.

Do a 100% water change before adding discus.

07-10-2005, 11:14 AM
You could just transfer your current filter from the 30 to the 75. Instant cycling.
