View Full Version : S.Eruption and Spotted Turq pair making progress

07-10-2005, 11:51 AM
Well it's 24 hours after spawning and the eggs haven't been eaten yet. They also haven't fungused at all so I think they are furtile. Yesterday she was doing all the eggsitting but today I see that he is dilligently fanning and watching over them. There are only 75 or so but she is a small fish. Does the size of the female directly effect the size of the spawns?
I think that for me these will be more interesting to watch develope than the YC's were because of the variety of possible patterns. While I do like the yellows, they are a solid color with much more subtle differences within the spawn. At this point I don't think I've developed the appreciation for the less obvious body/fin shape and type differences of each fry that an "old timer" has. I do love to see a nice round pigeon or Hi-fin Hi-body cobalt but those are more obvious traits.


07-10-2005, 03:16 PM
that was to easy time for another TANK have you sold any more of the babies

07-10-2005, 03:36 PM
Ya, I hope the rest goes this easily. And I need lots more tanks but...?
I haven't sold any more yet but I have two people makeing arrangments to come see them.

Gold Mt Discus
07-11-2005, 11:28 AM
Speed this pair up. I want to buy some fry when I come over. Hahaha
Good Luck with this breeding. Can't wait to see your fish.