View Full Version : Carbon blocks in my sediment filter

07-26-2005, 11:16 PM
Hey all,

I'm putting together a new 3 stage sediment filter with two carbon blocks. I'm using a 10 micron sediment media in the first canister and I have 1 and 5 micron carbon blocks that I want to use in the second and third canisters. I'm wondering if it makes any difference where the two carbon blocks go in relation to each other. In other words, should the 1 micron go in the middle canister or vice versa.

Honestly, I'm probably just going to be using it for drinking water but if I can get the flow rates that I want, I may use it for my fish as well. It would be cheaper than using water conditioner as I can get replacement media for just about nothing.

thanks! :)


07-27-2005, 07:44 AM
You want to go 10, 5, 1.

Bainbridge Mike
07-27-2005, 04:42 PM
Hey Ryan:

I have been reading up on filters too, considering either a two or 3 stage system for filtering my tank water. From what I have read, you should go from largest to smallest on the filters. Check out the link below. I would be interested if you have found better carbon block filters elsewhere. I think if you use the 10 inch by 4.25 inch filters or the 20 inch by 2.5 inch filters, you can get a pretty good flow rate (at least 3 gpm). Also it looks like you will still get effective chlorine removal if you use either the cr+1 or the +1 carbon block cartridges.

Take care,


08-03-2005, 09:28 PM
Bookmarked that link, looks like quality stuff, but the prices.... ouch lol

Ryan... 10-5-1 yeah definately 10-5-1

(just as Yogi said :) )
