View Full Version : eye problem?

07-27-2005, 08:07 PM
I just got a golden yellow discus about 2".

I noticed that one of the eye is not completely round. I believe that a little bit of the upper eye were bitten off or something......im not really sure what happened, since I just purchased it from a pet store.

I decided that I will keep it.......BUT will this have a negative effect on the growth of the discus?


07-28-2005, 08:46 AM
John, the negative effect on growth would come about if the fish has a problem identifying/catching food.. If he/she can eat well it should not be a problem. Watch to be sure he gets his share if you have other fish in with him. Is he the only discus in the tank & what others are with him? Discus do better in groups with no real competition for food.. HTH, Dottie

07-28-2005, 08:48 AM
& don't forget quarantine, at least 5-6 wks, before introducing new fish into your established tanks..

07-28-2005, 03:46 PM
Probably just a chipped eye. This is a fault and may be genetic, but will not hurt vision or appetite.

07-28-2005, 11:23 PM
thanks for the reply guys! :)

yeah...actually...this discus of mine is eating and have no problems in getting his food. He is swimming perfectly.....and seems to have no problems whatsoever....

I guess I was just scared that this eye problem...is some form of bacterial/fungal problems....hehehe. But I also believe...that there is a high probability...that its just a genetic problem.

The 125 gallon tank.....has 1 silver, 1 motoro ray, and 9 discus....