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View Full Version : need help sexing this fish

08-01-2005, 12:16 PM
I would like to breed this one ,but am unsure of what sex it is. It was sold as a pair. I would like all of your opinions as to what sex you think it might be..
This fish is very aggressive towards other fish,when in a community situation and takes over at least part of the tank.Eats well and is very healthy.

08-01-2005, 12:17 PM
sorry for the blurry pics, I have a cheap camera.

08-01-2005, 12:18 PM
another one

08-01-2005, 12:19 PM
last one.
Thanks for looking and please give an opinion.

08-01-2005, 12:43 PM
you really can't tell the sex unless you either have seen it spawn, or know the fish. most can't anyway.

08-01-2005, 04:58 PM
Hi, I know it is hard to sex them but the reason I am asking is that it came as a proven pair but this one suposedly female has never laid an egg.
I have never seen a breeding tube down on it. The other fish in the pair is a confirmed male with another pigeon blood right now. Is there any other way to tell what sex it is? It almost acts like the other male.These fish are bigger than most of my other fish and this one is really bossy.
Any input would be nice .
Thanks in advance

08-01-2005, 08:18 PM

There is a whole section on sexing discus in that new book "The Naked Truth", your pics are not clear enough to use the method though. If you don't have to book, I can fax you the few pages...just PM me if u want it.

take care,

mike J
08-05-2005, 06:49 PM
Hi Debbie

I know that a definite gender I.D is not possible with these pictures but I will take a guess anyway. I would guess that is a male and I am basing this guess on the shape of the dorsal fin. If you have another known female put it in a tank with this fish and see what happens. :D

08-07-2005, 03:05 PM
I let it/her loose in the community tank and it keeps all the discus away from one end. It lip locks and such with known males but just pushes all know females away from it's end.

Sound like a female? I think she doesn't like her original mate and is looking for another.
Will keep updating as I gain information on this fish.

Andrew Soh
08-07-2005, 10:17 PM
Hi Sandeep,

Shiii....cannot lend or fax pages of my book...I lose money, you know? ;)ha!ha!ha!

Hello Debbie,

the one in the photo looks like a male to me. The simple reason, though is only 98% accurate, is that when you choose discus of Red diamond, Red Marlboro...or genrally very red strain, the red intensity is X-linked. In other word, in a school or siblings of reds, those that are solid red are females while those partially red or orange are generally males.

In your photo, it doesn't need to be sharp. Just the colour and it shows it is most likely male...unless it is a hermaphrodite.

So, when you are buying a pair of this solid red strain, select a very red(female) and a partially colored or Orangish red(male)

Hope I'm right ;)

Take care,
Andrew :angel:

08-07-2005, 10:44 PM
Hi Andrew:

Please don't come after me :argue: , I was just trying to point to the very detailed section in your book about sexing discus. If anything it should encourage ppl to buy ur book and where's my comission? :antlers:

take care,

08-08-2005, 01:44 AM
LOL As soon as I get enough money saved up I am going to buy your book Andrew. The fish is a mandarin passion . The male is a beautiful; orangish color and huge . This one is an oragne/yellow and is very pretty but not sure what sex..It is suposed to be a female and has carried fry but NOT for me.

My water is good .I have 2 other pairs breeding and no problems.
This first picture is the proven male of the suposed pair.

08-08-2005, 01:48 AM
Here is a little better picture of the suposed female in question.female is in front.

Andrew Soh
08-10-2005, 11:24 PM
Hi Sandeep,

Commission is defintely a must for promoting my book.....a beer or a ??? Giving faxed sheets of my book will defintiely make me cry.... :(

Hi Liz,

Are you sure the two are from the same strain. If so, then there is a possibility that that is a female as the male is lighter in redness. I could be wrong. As Sandeep said, give a clearer photo and maybe me...or him can give you his affirmation.

What do you call this strain?......Mandarin Passion??? What a nice name......I am a chinese.....and I have passion...........but they don't look like me.. :antlers: ha!ha!ha!

Take care Liz and Sandeep,
Andrew :angel:

08-10-2005, 11:59 PM
Sorry Andrew:

You know in this discus hobby you have to follow that song:

"D'ont Worry, Be Happy"

How about this pic? Can you tell us what characteristics would indicate one being the male and the other the female?

take care,

Andrew Soh
08-11-2005, 09:17 AM
Hey Sandeep,

You have my book, right...you should know.

Now you photo of 2 discus in different angle and ask me to sex them...wow...don't put me too high...I might fall.

If you are selecting gender in Red Diamond or Red melon strain, it is a known fact that females are generally solid red while males are generally half red or orangish.

take care,
Andrew :angel:

Andrew Soh
08-11-2005, 09:20 AM
Hello again Sandeep,

Getting old...forgot to try the guessing game......

The one on top a female?

Andrew :angel:

08-11-2005, 09:26 AM
Hi Andrew:

Yea I have the book and I also know the truth on this pair but I just thought you could use this pic to point to the characteristics for others :) I hope you don't have to guess otherwise why did I pay $75 for that book? :o

Here's another pic:

take care,

Andrew Soh
08-11-2005, 10:07 PM

Sandeep, ..........the pelvic fin cover up the genital area.....why not you tell me???

Andrew :angel:

08-11-2005, 10:32 PM
Oh Andrew:

What fun would that be, u need pics of their privates? :P Okay, another picture :)

take care,

Andrew Soh
08-11-2005, 10:55 PM
Hello my friend, Sandeep,

You read my book......some discus phenotype is sex-linked like the red diamond but others may not.........

Don't corner me with posted photos......if I am not mistaken......my 99% accuracy is to net out the discus to verify...ya? ;) and the method is to check the genital area.....specified clearly in my book.

You are right...it is not good to guess as that will be non-scientific......so in the post....sorry...no guessing.

Take care mate,
Andrew :angel:

08-12-2005, 10:57 PM
Hi , Andrew if I go by everything in your book it all points to female.BUT she(?) is one MEAN MOMMA either way . She is keeping all 10 other fish in the corner of the community tank at one end. Any ideas why this fish is so mean? She is not the biggest in the tank,there are at least 2 others that are as big or bigger .

Andrew Soh
12-11-2005, 10:04 AM
Hi Debbie,

Maybe she couldn't fine a handsome guy that can melt her heart...hm...

I took have a red diamond that has spawned with a male 6 months ago. After the spawn, I put her back to the comminity tank.

Recently, I took her out and pair her off with a male that is larger than her and quite handsome too. She keeps on bullying him and just refuse to spawn. Put her back again to the community, she chase everyone away. Put her back to the breeding tank, she bullies the male.

Maybe she is the husband-beating discus. Older female tends to be more aggressive. No scientific study..just my opinion.

Take care,

12-24-2005, 10:30 PM

12-25-2005, 12:44 AM
Well unfortunalty it was a SHE. she laid eggs then got sick and died in just a couple of days. Just thought I would let everyone know I finally found out the sex of the fish.