View Full Version : Jumper

08-10-2005, 01:39 PM
I am just sick this morning. I found one of my discus on the floor. I had no idea they were known to jump. I don't know how long it had lain there but it looked pretty dry. I was rinsing it off in the sink and it started to twitch so I put it back into the tank and massaged it like you would a catch and release fish. It sprang back to life and is swimming upright but it does not look good.

It's eyes have a white film and Im sure there will be some fin rot but It really is swimming normal and not bumping into things...Do you think it was cruel to put it back into the tank? Is there anything I should do to help it recover or do you think it will eventually succumb? damn :(

08-10-2005, 03:44 PM
I think you should add 2 tblspns per 10gals of non=iodized salt (rock salt, kosher salt or aquarium salt) to help it rehydrate as fast as possible and get its gills working effeciently. Might want to put him in a tank of his own so he doesn't have any added stress from other fish. There may be more you can do but you'll have to wait for the more experienced folks to show up to find out. Good luck,


08-10-2005, 03:57 PM
The white "film" on the eyes are likely corneal abrasions, which will heal over time. If you transport fish in plastic buckets (i.e. 5 gal. buckets), you'll notice the same cloudiness of the eyes from the fish rubbing against the sides of the container.

Greg Richardson
08-10-2005, 04:43 PM
You are very lucky! Most fish don't get a second chance. You did right. Give it some time. I bet in a week you'll never notice any difference.

08-10-2005, 07:35 PM
Give it some time. I bet in a week you'll never notice any difference.

I hope you are right. Thanks for the advice, I didn't have time to setup a hospital tank before I left for work. I've been meaning to do this. I called home awhile ago and my wife says some color has come back and it is swimming with the others. When I found it it looked like it had been out of water for hours, poor thing. I'll see if I can get a pic up and document it's recovery.

08-10-2005, 08:59 PM
He was lucky you found him! He couldn't have been out of the tank for hours, (just looks that way). Do you have any melafix? If he's swimming normally, then I don't see why you should stress him further by putting him in another tank. (as long as he's not being picked on). You should change his name to "Lucky" from now on ;).

08-11-2005, 01:33 PM
Poor thing didn't make it. :(