View Full Version : Finicky eaters...

08-10-2005, 11:49 PM
I have an interesting 'problem' with my five new juvenile discus (1 month in 75-gallon tank, no other tankmates)...I can't seem to coax them into eating flake food, with which I want to supplement their current diet, which consists of live brine shrimp, live blackworms, frozen beefheart (not a mix, just the beefheart sliced ultra-thin), and frozen bloodworms in more or less equal proportion. I'm afraid that with their current diet they may not be getting all the vitamins they need.
So here's the interesting part: my canister filter (Rena Filstar Xp2) keeps spitting out what looks like yellow flake food (not a lot of it, but enough to keep things interesting), which I think is some kind of buildup on the water return tube, since the filter is relatively free of debris. Well, the fish LOVE this flakey stuff and chase it whenever they see a piece fly out of the outflow. Surely that stuff can't be as tasty as my Tetra goldfish flakes (read on another site that these would be good) or the Tetra color bits, which they also won't even look at!
So how can I get these brats to eat the flake food and color bits (which also have extra vitamins) without starving them into eating it, or is all this even necessary given their present diet?

08-11-2005, 01:01 PM
Goldfish flakes are mainly carbohydrates. Discus are protein lovers. Try a chiclid flake or flakes specifically formulated for discus.