View Full Version : 2 week old fry stopped eating!

08-13-2005, 12:05 PM
The fry act fine so far, still swimming about etc but this morning I noticed that the stomach's on some seem empty. They don't have that round orange look they should (and did) have while eating bbs. I considered doing a formalin treatment but wanted some advice from those who know first. I've been doing multiple WC's every day and replacing the container their in with a clean one every 4 hours. So what do you folks think I should do at this point? If treated with formalin at this age do you use the full 2 drps/gal or use a lower dose?


After watching them for awhile I'm wondering if, Maybe, it's just that their stomachs aren't as transparent as before so the orange bbs aren't showing through? Sounds kinda stupid even to me "DOH" but is almost two weeks about right for that to happen? Would like to know about dosing very young fry with formalin ayways as lonng as were here. Same dose as adults or is it less?


08-14-2005, 08:03 AM
Hi Kacey

Did you clean the parents before spawning? This might sometimes affect the fry growth and also fry reaction to some changes. Please be sure that everything in your system is the same as before especially the temperature and PH. Get a second thermometer.

Also, when they get bigger and if the tank has lots of fry, the aggresive ones get the food and the shy ones get nothing. Keep this in mind. Best way is to feed on different locations.

If everything is the same, please be sure that they have some gill problem before using the formalin. Because at this age any amount of formalin "might" damage them. If you definitely will use formalin try this amount (I had success before with older fry though).. 1 drops per gallon dosing on 1st 4th 7th 10th days and usual water changes everyday. You have to complete the "lost formalin" due to changed water during the day (since we always do water changes couple of times during a day )


08-14-2005, 10:53 AM
Hi Kagan,
I didn't treat the parents before breeding as their were no symptoms to treat for. The fry are eating now. I didn't see them eat for most of one day, particularly first thing in the morning when they should have been hungry. These guys are artificialy raised so the didn't eat all night and I got worried.
I didn't treat with formalin as they weren't showing any other symptoms and were still active and swimming well. Maybe a bit too much ammo built up in their floating container and threw off their appitite for a few hours in the AM. They are in a bigger container now and no more problems. I always watch temps closely and give them clean water and bowls many times daily.
Thanks for the post and info on formalin dose.
