View Full Version : Opinions Wanted

08-26-2005, 05:12 PM
Let's say that you bought a new car, with only 100 miles on it. Within 2 weeks of the purchase, you notice all the rust/corosion/water damage shown in the photos below. Has anyone seen anything like this on a "new" car? What would you consider as an acceptable resolution by the dealer and/or manufacturer??? Would "cleaning it up" be acceptable to you?



















08-26-2005, 05:36 PM
Are you sure you're not a sleepwalker, looks like you are doing your BID W/C OVER YOUR BIG TANK during SLEEP. J/K

I would absolutely not accepted "cleaning it up"
Bring it back and tell them " either give me the refund or exchange for a brand new one" or " I will contact the consumer affair" Lets see what they would do.


Good luck

08-26-2005, 05:44 PM

As we have discussed, IMO, this car appears to have been in a flood. There is no amount of "driving in Canada" that could account for that amount of rust inside and outside the car with only 100 miles on it. Plus, there is no way anyone can "sand and re-paint" every single rusted nut and bolt on that car :rolleyes:

If they continue to stall you then I would get a professional mechanic to inspect the electrical connections and forward his report to the manufacturers rep. I think a new car is in order...

08-27-2005, 12:24 AM
This looks very much like the flood damage so many cars in this area suffered after Tropical Storm Allison. One other thing to check, have your mechanic check the differential and u joints for water mixed in the grease and fluids.

Some flood damaged cars are moved out of state and sold at auction to used car dealers, so, as always, buyer beware.


08-27-2005, 05:32 AM
There are two types of rust, superficial rust and structural rust. In any case they are a bugger to fix and cost alot of money. Check to see if the structure is rusted too. I would take it back even if it is just superficial rusting. RUST AND CARS are a big NO NO....

Jas :)

08-27-2005, 02:10 PM

Contact your local omnibus and consumer advocate affairs department and do a report right away, if the dealer does not give you a brand new car upon your findings and report. Don't let him get away with what appears to be deceit sale venture. I agree, Brian and Debbie, it looks like this car was outdoors during the storms and was damaged by high floods.

Good luck and keep us posted.


08-27-2005, 11:03 PM
Wow! The best way to resolve this is to contact the manufacturer of the vehicle and have them contact the dealer!

Good Luck

Greg Richardson
08-28-2005, 01:39 AM
Do not accept any deal from dealer besides a NEW car.
They are going to try damage control tactics like saying they can get the rust off. No way. Won't ever happen. Not All of it.

Rust Never Sleeps!

Bainbridge Mike
08-28-2005, 02:17 AM
Wow, That is just awful and I'm sorry you got stuck with that car. There is really only one thing that could cause that much damage---some type of significant submersion in water. There is no way the dealer did not know about this. You should demand your money back--and I would not accept another vehicle from them (you should take your business elsewhere). If they don't give you a full refund, you should contact your state attorney general's office which will have a consumer affairs or consumer fraud division. They may be able to help you.

Best of luck,

08-28-2005, 10:05 AM
Rust Never Sleeps!

Love the Neil Young reference!! :thumbsup:

Thanks for all the input, and I welcome more! I take it from some of the responses that "sanding and repainting" the rust/corrosion (the manufacturer's idea of resolution) is not an acceptable option???


08-28-2005, 02:17 PM
Call your lawyer.


Dave C
08-28-2005, 10:16 PM
I might accept "sanding and repainting" and a $10k cheque. It's a used car now.

08-29-2005, 06:59 AM
When I lived in Boston, I had a friend who's Toyata Camry had sanding and repainting done for a similar situation except it was in the front of the vehicle. Two years later the rust came back and she was stuck driving a car with the paint peeling.

08-29-2005, 07:40 AM
Hard to be sure from the pics, but there does look like there could be some water damage there. It may be worth doing a Carfax report, which can do searches on the car's history to determine if there is any record of the car being in a flood, etc.... There is generally a time period after a car purchase that you can change your mind about buying. Judging from the photos, I would be changing my mind.


08-29-2005, 01:54 PM
:shocked: :shocked: :shocked: WOW!! What a flagrant abuse of a customer by a vehicle retailer!!! You've rec'd good advice, like Don, I thought you could investigate such things as flooding with Carfax & others using the VIN #. I sure would be calling a lawyer, or consumer affairs & probably both, lodging a report & claim, & would fully expect a NEW CAR!!! nothing less. Actually, a criminal report may be the way to go!! This is "FRAUD" JMO, Dottie :flame:

Greg Richardson
08-29-2005, 02:59 PM
Korbi. CORRECT! This is FRAUD! I would want my money back.

After thinking about this in no way would I accept another car from them.

I'd go elseware.

After money returned I'd call up the local news stations.
They eat this stuff up.

They need to PAY for their GREED!
Best way to do that is on the 6:00 news!

08-29-2005, 06:56 PM
Wow, this is definately a fraud.

I agree with Greg. There is no point to accept a new car from the dealer. Better get the money back and buy somewhere else.

Best of luck,

09-11-2005, 02:22 AM
How did you make out, Judi?

09-11-2005, 05:00 AM
Hi Angie,

Not my car, but my sis-in-law's. The manufacturer is insisting that the car can be "fixed". They also stated they will pay for all repairs, including a rental car while repairs are being done... but they refuse to put their decision in writing. Go figure...


09-11-2005, 09:00 AM
Boy oh boy... what a scandal she has in her hands. She will win the case if she proceeds to court with this mess. ;)


Greg Richardson
09-11-2005, 01:29 PM
Judi. Your sister-inlaw needs to see a lawyer NOW!

Tell her to take all paperwork and pictures.

Have it all organized like a timeline of events including conversations.

If you have your act together organized, a lawyer won't charge as much.

This is DEFINETLY a situation that needs a lawyer involved now due to the manufactures comments.

They are doing damage control just like an insurance company does.

Normally a well written letter stating events from a lawyer with a request for IMMEDIATE money returned from the situation will be all that is needed.

I have gone up against HUGE insurance companies and other corporations that tried to rip me off.

Because of a single well written letter from my lawyer stating the situation and what we would do if not immediatly taken care of I received response in my favor each time.

Yes, a time or two went to court as the fools thought I was bluffing.

Some are just ignorant corporate lawyers who need their *** handed to them now and then as they are so use to bullying people around after a while they have this attitude they can't lose.

If the person is in such bad financial condition that a lawyer isn't an option then they need to go to every news station investigative reporter they can find in the dealerships area. Bring all documents just like going to lawyers. This is an option that can also bring results.

Repair is NOT an OPTION!

THEY are being SCAMMED!

If there ever was a time to stand up for what is right this is it.

Corporations favorite trick is to try to wear a person down to the point they just want to settle it to get it over with as the stress is eating at them and those around them.

Do not let this happen.

Get a letter from lawyer and make those corporate SCUMBAGS pay up!

I also would be filing complaints with the local prosecutors office for FRAUD!

They will spin it saying it is a civil action.

Tell them they need to go after them.

There is no difference in prosecuting the kid down the street who rips off your house or these clowns.

They both have ripped you off.

You have still suffered a loss and it doesn't matter if they pay you back with a bonus.

If I rob a bank and decide the next day after I read they got a good description of me to return the money with interest does the bank forgive me?

No consequences?

09-12-2005, 12:50 AM
Angie and Greg...

I agree!!! They don't know what playing hardball is REALLY all about!! But they're gonna find out!! Attorney contact has been made.


09-25-2005, 09:12 PM
Update and conclusion:

After paying a visit to the dealership, talking to the General Manager, and showing them a copy of the Attorney Agreement naming them in a lawsuit, the dealer made arrangements for a REAL new car!! It was picked up today!

Thanks everyone, for your suggestions, support and input!!


09-25-2005, 09:35 PM
WTG judi! justice is served.

glad you got satisfaction!!!


Greg Richardson
09-25-2005, 10:00 PM
Fantastic!!!! So good to hear!
Corporate Scumbags messed with the wrong people!