View Full Version : Pairing for life???????????

08-29-2005, 11:56 AM

During this weekend, I lost one dicus. He jumped out of water from the back of the tank. :(

What I have done was: (long story short)

I have two pairs and I moved them from a divided 60 gallon tank to two 20 gallan tanks about 1.5 month ago. After the move, they do not spawn any more. I decide in the weekend to move males out and put new males in. Now you know what happened. The one of them which have been moved out died.

This raise a question: Does Discus pair for life?

Can I get expert answers.

Many thanks


08-29-2005, 03:17 PM
I had a long term pair (2 years) where the female died. When I put the male back into the community tank he paired of with another female within two weeks......

I am actually trying to answer that question with wild fish with research I am doing in Peru right now. Do they form stable pair bonds.....Give me a year or two and maybe I can answer that question......

08-29-2005, 04:17 PM
I had a male die on me and I put another male, at least I think it is a male, with her.

After about two weeks I have eggs - they ate them since I startled them when they were laying..

If you have a male and a female I think they will eventually get together through lack of options... LOL