View Full Version : Hans Stendker Discus of Baltimore

08-30-2005, 01:50 PM
:) Hans StendkerDiscus of Baltimore!

Last Friday, I had a chance to visit the new facility of Hans' Stendker discus in Baltimore, what can I say...the place is huge and awesome, the whole warehouse has nothing but discus, row after row of tanks, racks above and below, tanks full of discus from the big huge ones to small juvies...the place is incredible and the way he does his water change and filter is mind-boggling, I still couldn't figure out how he did the filter and water change at the facility so efficient, clean, and organized. You got to visit there to see what I'm talking about.
I met Hans, he is so nice, showing me around his facility, he explain to me how everything works at that facility, how he did his water change, how the filter works, his water storage, the tanks, overflow, water temp, water pumps, his discus, he is a professional, meticulous and I notice he is very energenic and a fast moving person.

(Thanks for the review of your trip. It sounds like a good time. However, posting prices and strains for someone who is not a sponsor of this site on your very first post is clearly an advertisement for said party and is not acceptable. In addition there is especially no call for bashing "Asian Breeders" and badmouthing others in a post meant to praise someone you feel is doing a great job. I'm leaving this part of the post, because it is a valid and positive review of a breeder / importer you have visited. Please accept this as a generous way of handling this post. - Dark Discus.)

08-30-2005, 11:08 PM
We met Hans at the ACA this year (hell of a nice individual) and saw his show fish. All looked like a class act to me and the judges felt the same. Hans brought juvies for sale that (IMHO) were the best offered for sale at the ACA. We picked up 4 and they are growing like weeds. Wish we had picked up more. Damn the lack of room! LOL! Not trying to jump on the Hans/Stendker wagon...but....he is setting the bar for all breeders. Most of our fish would be throw backs if there was a slot limit imposed. Not that they are not quality, just not 1 1/2" thick and 8 to 9" long, and round! Keep up the good work Hans!

09-01-2005, 01:42 AM
Does Hans have a web site?

cowboy steve
09-01-2005, 01:53 AM
Does Hans have a web site?

Discus Hans (http://members.chello.nl/h.discus/index.htm)

09-20-2005, 07:46 AM
hans always seems to be very helpful and very nice. he also has some great fish!
