View Full Version : New Discus not really eating

09-09-2005, 08:15 AM

I have a 375L mature tank with only 3 angels a pleco and a few mollies in it, the PH is 6.5 and the water is very soft and extremely clean. I bought two new absolutely beautiful discus on Sunday. They both seem to have gotten used to the tank very fast and swim pretty actively and are very friendly, they're about 3 inches with amazing vibrant coloring but they won't eat no matter what i feed them. I tried them on flakes, bloodworm, discus pellets and even small granules and they look really interested in it and like they're going to eat but then just don't?? This morning i got one to eat some blood worm which was excellent and the other was beside him looking at it but still wouldn't eat it. The one that hasn't eaten yet seems to sit at the top of the tank slightly sideways sometimes and just as i'm worrying he may be sick he'll swim off and join the other one swimming around the tank?
Do you think there might be something wrong with them or should i just wait a couple more days and hope they'll both eat? I'll post some pictures if i get a chance. Thanks in advance for your help.

09-09-2005, 09:12 AM
My guess is that when you introduced them to your tank, you used the "float and drip method", but the place you got them from had higher pH water. Is this correct? When the higher pH "shipping bag" water is open to the air, co2 escapes, and you get toxic ammonia.

09-09-2005, 10:30 AM
My discus sometimes have taken a few days to get used to new surroundings and are hesitant to eat. Usually not, though. Did you ask what they were eating before?

You said your tank was a 325 gallon? That's pretty huge for the 2 discus and may be intimidating. Also are any of the angels stressing the discus out? That can happen. It's hard to say.

Also, did you quarrantine the discus? That's usually a good way to tell if they are eating or sick, etc.


09-09-2005, 08:38 PM
try blackworms or brineshrimp. these usually get eaten up.

09-15-2005, 07:15 PM
that IS an awfully big tank. i would get them into their own tank, first. they may be getting bullied by the angels, or, just uncertain of new surroundings. they should settle down. but, they need to be with their own kind. i would think about getting a used 60, leave it bare bottom, and getting 3-4 more discus to go in there. get your temp up to 86-88, and add 2 tablespoons of NON-iodized salt per 10 gals. that will help clean out their intestinal tracts, increase osmotic pressure, settle them down, and produce slime coat. and, it should stimulate appetite. change water daily and don't forget to add put the salt back. they should settle down in a day or 2. no salt for more than 4-5 days.

good advice on the worms and brine too. get something that moves.....

good luck!


Dood Lee
09-15-2005, 09:16 PM
He has a 375 litre tank, which is approximately 80 gallons I believe.