View Full Version : What do you use to circulate your water?

09-11-2005, 12:42 AM
I just tossed in a bag of peat moss into my storage barrels and want to circulate the water. I am only aerating at this time.

I saw a few pumps for less than $20 in drs fosters and smiths. I'm going to hit petsmart tomorrow.

What do you use/recommend...


09-11-2005, 12:53 AM
I really like the Tetratec deepwaters.

Why are you using peat?

09-11-2005, 09:26 AM
Just to circulate, a lift tube with bubbles does fine. I added a sponge filter so that ammonia from tapwater is killed. But for real circulation, the aquaclear powerheads are terrific. At very low price, you get a POWERFUL pump, quiet, and ultra-dependable...can run dry for days, get sand in the impeller housing, nothing so far can destroy them. Can lift water to good height too, if you want to use it to pump the water out. I get the 802 (or the new labelling number) and then you can dampen the action with filter floss stuffed into the intake and output if it is just too much at about 400 gph. You can put the powerhead onto the sponge filter tube.

09-11-2005, 09:52 AM
Thanks. I'm using peat because I breed and I'm tired of spending money on black water extract, etc.

And, for my grow out tanks I want to kill the PH without using muratic acid if possible.

I don't need to pump the water out. I have the barrels drilled with a barb so I can attach a hose to it and connect to my auto water changing system if I can ever get it finished.

09-12-2005, 08:01 PM
Get a good size powerhead. Maxi-Jet's a good cheap one...


09-14-2005, 10:42 PM
Mag drive 5 works good for me.

09-15-2005, 10:34 PM
I have 2 storage barrels that are connected with tubing on the bottom bulkheads and use a Mag 7 to pump the water up over the top of the barrels into a "T" connector where the stream is split and and dropped into both barrels. Also use a Rena 400 w/ a 2in ceramic airstone at the bottom of each barrel. Does a great job of mixing :)