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09-11-2005, 01:07 PM
Hello. I am of Spain and this he is my first post here, in one of the most important paginas of discs of the world. Pardon, but I have I throw the translation with google, since I need its aid with a quite important problem that I have. For a year I have been coming dragging (not like calling it) a disease which we were not able to clear it of my aquariums, is the following one. My discs seem to be or but suddenly they will be acelerán, put like crazy people, occurring blows and rotating on they themselves, to the short while they seem to be or and they make life normal until it returns to give these attacks them, does not seem contagious, since they do not do all. In a year I have lost like 10 discs and it is not by the disease but by the blows that occur against the crystal, heaters, filter, etc. Agradeceria muchisimo its aid and I repeat pardon my translation. Greetings.

09-11-2005, 02:41 PM
Hola Inverve and a big welcome to Simply Discus, I have a friend who comes from Santander , great place....

Listen I think you might have a water problem. CHeck your readings of nitrates, nitrites... Please let us know the temp of your tans; pH readings, etc any and every info that can help us...


09-11-2005, 09:46 PM
. . . one discus at a time starts whirling and dashing about the tank. After a while it dies. Soon another starts acting the same way. . . .

We have hobbyists here with the same problem. I wish I had an answer for you. No one has figured it out. Some say stray electocal voltage, others say high nitrAtes, some guess parasites . . . no one really knows . . . sorry

09-12-2005, 12:41 PM
KIWi13, the next time that you come gustaria me this way conocerte. Carol, thanks to respond. Now to the subject, by means of a friend they have been able to me to analyze the water, being the quite good parametros for discs mixed with osmosis water. Only parametro that decompensated tapeworm was the COPPER, that him tapeworm in 50u. I have a friend with whom interchange discs, has not had attacks and that that I have been having for a month 20 discs of him in my aquariums, since we bought 40 discs to Sr.stenkder. I am filtered all the water with coal, and now recogo the water of the street so that it does not happen through copper pipe, to see if thus improvement and I do not have more attacks, although have two discs that give enough attacks them but they are such. If somebody that has had attacks to analyzed its water, podiamos to close a little I circulate.

09-12-2005, 10:47 PM
maybe metals in your water. i had that sometimes..and it was water . i moved them to my shop..and fine. same city..different pipes..then all was fine. seachem has stuff that absorbs metals..
are you doing wcs daily? only other thing could be nitrates. try keep under 5 .
i used a hot mag water purifying filter with metal absorbing type stuff in it.
hope this helps.
welcome to simply. your doing fine with your translations. : )