View Full Version : breeding story

09-11-2005, 03:17 PM
Recently I couldn’t rise any fry.
My story is:
1. Get the PVC pipe of eggs about one hour after laying and move it to a big jar which is full of RO and add MB to it.
2. I move them to home after 6 days. They start to swim at the 7th. Day.
3. I use egg yolk to feed them. I mix one raw and one boiled egg and add some plankton and spirulina to them.
4. Temp. Is about 29`c
5. I change the water every 3.5 hour (as much as possible) whit 100% RO water which has the same temperature.
6. Start BBS after 2-3 days, depending on their size and condition. Continue feeding with egg and BBS for one week.
7. Mix 3 tablet of nitrufurantoin with 1 tablet furazolidon and solve them in 30cc water. Add 2cc of it each time after WC.
8. Lay an air line to each dish. It plops every second.
9. Wash dishes after each WC. Sterilize them with bleach and neutralize them before first start.
This is all I do. It has worked for me several times. But I haven’t got any fry since 4 months ago. They start to swim very well and eat their food (I think so. Maybe they don’t eat at all. But they pick on food just like the last successful times) but at the second day they don’t feel well and lay at the bottom of the dish and fall at die one by one and on the 3rd. day all of them die. This scenario happens each time. At lest for 30 times.
I install UV lamp on RO unit and hope it solve my problem. But it didn't work. Now I am treating my pair with PP, wishing the problem will solve. But after one treating with PP they lay. But all the fries dead after 2 days from free swimming. I will continue PP every 3day for 2 week. But I think my main problem is water but I can't find it.
The last necessary think is that I imported a pair 4 months ago. They were in QT for 4 week and then introduce them to community tank. They are healthy now and lay eggs like the others. But I am not successful to raising their fries.

Any idea will help me.

09-11-2005, 05:38 PM
try mixing tap water with your r/o water. make sure it has no chloromines. straight r/o water has no minerals/trace elements the fry and other fish need. try bringing your fry water back to straight tap water later for better growth.


09-12-2005, 05:38 AM
I have done it before.
but it hasn`t worked too.

09-12-2005, 06:42 PM
I would stop adding the meds to your water and if problem starts just treat for flukes at day 3. Are their bellies full and round by day 3 or do they look empty? Mine got bloat once and just sat on bottom. I added Epsom salt and they were back tonormal within 2 hours. Could something have contaminated any of the foods? Try getting all new foods. Please let us know if you find the problem.
Good luck,


10-01-2005, 05:12 PM
Finally I found the problem
1. At first I omit all kind of medicine after hatching. And use another thing as same as before. After 2 days all the fries dead.
2. I use mixture of tap water and RO with adding MB. After 2 days all the fries dead.
3. I used only tap water without any medicine. They live longer and some of them ate BBS and live since know.
4. I use only tap water with MB. It worked for me and the result was reasonable.
I found that my main problem is RO. But don’t know what kind of problem dose it has? I sterilize it regularly and on the other hand it has a UV lamp. But it doesn’t work perfectly.
As you see in second item, I had mixed RO with tap water to increase its mineral. But it hasn’t worked. I think there are some kind of bacteria in the unit which can tolerate UV radiation and on the other hand I haven’t could kill it with bleach.

10-01-2005, 11:58 PM
Glad you found the problem. I think bleach will harm the membrane. If there is bacteria in the membrane throw it away. Throw away the carbon and string filters. Run a mild (3%) bleach solution through the housing and hoses of the RO unit. Rinse with clear water. Buy new carbon, string filter and membrane. Babies don't need RO water. Parents may need RO for eggs to hatch.

american breeder
10-04-2005, 04:09 AM
Glad you found the problem. I think bleach will harm the membrane. If there is bacteria in the membrane throw it away. Throw away the carbon and string filters. Run a mild (3%) bleach solution through the housing and hoses of the RO unit. Rinse with clear water. Buy new carbon, string filter and membrane. Babies don't need RO water. Parents may need RO for eggs to hatch.
RO water is great stuff..but it can be a little unstable..depending on your situation...
originally we attempted to attain a enviorment that modeled the south american river systems water quality..this was time consuming and much attention and measurments had to be accomplished ...then we rethink and use regular old tap water for everything...ha it works yet adjustments needed to be made...today i have extreme water treatment plant on site for extreme water purification from a super deep well//////
the eggs are kept in distilled grade water ..and upon hatching water is cut with RO WATER ...as larvae they are kept in this super sterile water for up to 21 days......i have discovered the exact right formula for this water enviroment for larvae and extremly small fry. After the fry free swim and are about 1inch size...i again use more RO WATER TO DISTILLED WATER..which is specially treated for stabilisation and virtually no PH fluctuation..heated to the exact rightb temp

the fish swim under the new water comeing into the tank with complete joy

they relish it...oh yah