View Full Version : Ugh! Moving

09-22-2005, 08:13 PM
Well, I just found out I got the apartment I wanted about an hour from here...but that means I have to move my tanks. I'm not moving for a couple months, but already I'm stressing about moving my discus and have some questions.

I've read posts on this and will go get a water sample and test/compare the water before I move. I also plan to bring as much water from here as I can to set up the tanks initially.

Maybe I missed it somewhere but I didn't see anything about transporting filter media, etc. My sponges I'll just put in a bucket of water. But what about my canister? And Penguin biowheel filter? I know the bacteria will die without oxygen. Can I just pull the basket out and put it in a bucket? It's a good size basket stuffed with media and I don't know if there'll be enough water movement through it in a bucket.

By the time I move it will be cold here so I'm going to have to set up the tanks and bring them up to temp before adding the fish. What temp does the bacteria need to stay alive? (The water will have to go in the bed of my pickup and will get cold)


09-23-2005, 02:50 AM
Hi Kristen, glad you got your appartment. I just got through moving. I moved my canisters over when I moved the tank over and set it up at that time. Then moved the next tank and did the same thing,until all 10 tanks were over.
I do not know about the temperature question though, it was and still is hot here in Arkansas.

Good luck with the move and btw how are your fish doing?

09-23-2005, 07:33 AM
You won't have any problems with the biowheels. Just throw them in a plastic bag. Same with the sponges. They'll be good for a couple of days. The canisters are a different story. They'll go anaerobic in a couple of hours. Just clean them out and start fresh when you get there.

When you get there, fill the tank with local water, put the filters back in and you have instant cycling.


09-23-2005, 12:03 PM

Here's how I've moved my fish AND cannisters on several occassions without losing any fish or colonies..

Get a 20 gal rubbermaid, opague so the fish can't see through it. Drill a 1.5 inch hole near the bottome of (making sure to leave room for the flange on the bulkhead) one of the short sides (end sides) and insert a 3/4inch bulkhead (you can get them from just about any online supplier, you might want to try Jehmco.com though because the ones you want are DOUBLE THREADED, not slip type like most sell).

Next, attach a nipple to the outside of the bulkhead, this is where you'll connect the intake to your cannister filter. Drill a 1/2 hole near the top but under where the lid snaps shut, this is where you'll stick your output hose from your cannister. Whe the time comes, slip the hose through and direct it so the current isn't too upsetting to the fish (I use spraybars for this).

To make the entire process easier, I also use a 60gal rubbermaid with wheels on one end and place the 20 gal in one end of that one (the end with the wheels).

On moving day, fill the 20 gal about 1/2 to 2/3 full of tank water, then, remove the cannister from the tank and connect to the 20 gal. The cannister sits on the other end of the 60 gal so when you move one you move them both. I also add a heater and an air stone to the 20gal, the air pump and even a outlet block can sit in the 60 gal with the cannister.

Add fish, cover the 20 gal (the lid will snap shut over the heater cord and but yoiu might want to drill a 1/4 hole in the 20 gal first for the airline.

Fill several 5gal buckets with good water and cover with lid, these are for WC's while you're in the process of moving and setting up the new tank. Get a power converter for the car (they're cheap at radio shack).

Carefully move the entire assembly to your car on moving day, the 60gal fits nicely on the back seat... stuff something between it and the front seat so it can't move if you stop suddenly.

Plug the cannister and airpump into the power converter (not the heater), and drive your babies to your new place.

I've actually kept my fish in this sort of arrangement for several days while I setup the new tank and they come out of it just fine :)

PS. If your cannister has a 1/2 intake hose, drill a 1.25 inch hole and insert a 1/2 bulkhead and nipple instead.

Lots of work, but it really does work, and, if you move again... you're all set so long as you keep the containers around :)


09-23-2005, 12:21 PM
Just occurred to me, if you're using Fluval, or some other cannister with both the intake and output hoses coming out of the top this may not work. You would need to keep the 20 gal raised so the cannister was lower to allow the intake flow. Could still be done though by placing the 20 gal on a table or something in the house, and then putting the cannister on the floor of the backseat in the car. Mine are Eheims and the intake goes into the bottom of the can :p


09-25-2005, 07:38 PM
Thanks for the replies...

Debbie, I can't believe you moved ten tanks. That's alot of work! I've got four (but one is a small betta tank). My fish are doing great, thanks. I just put the baby that had been in hospital for two months back in with her siblings (with a divider separating them from her until she catches up to them a bit). To think I almost put her to sleep! She is doing awesome and really happy to be back with the others. My boyfriend named her "Audrey" (no offense Audrey) after the plant in "The Little Shop of Horrors" because since she recovered all she does is beg for food. I can read her lips "FEED ME". She has put 75% of her weight back on in 10 days! OMG! The funny thing is when I put her back in the one baby from the same batch as her went right over to the divider and they swam together on opposite sides of the divider for about 5 minutes like they remember each other. Very cute! They're all doing great. One of the "babies" is absolutely HUGE!!!

Jim, Thanks for all the great info. I do have the Eheim canister and a sponge in one tank and a sponge and the Penguin BioWheel on the other tank. The guy at one of the lfs here told me what day he gets fish in and told me to come in and he'd give me some styrofoam shipping boxes and he has his own side business and will give me the thicker bags so their rays don't puncture and some heat packs.

It's all coming together....now I just have to wait. I hate moving!!!!!
