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09-29-2005, 10:39 AM

fish not eating, laying quite in one corner, one fish is excreating white long thred like substance , temp 84,wc 3 weekly, new fishs, 2 inches


09-29-2005, 12:28 PM
I think you need to take your temp up to 86°F or 30°c

Your problem is the fact that you don't have heating like you mentioned in another post.

In a 28 gallon tank, you have fluctuations in temp and this causes fish health problems. White feces is a sign of internal parasites. It could be hex or worms. In which case I would start by maintaining a stable temp. Adding some salt in the tank but keep in mind, the salt is not for the internal parasites but to help your fish from any secondary bacterial infections because they are sick. You need to step up the aeration because salt treatments with high temps lower oxygen content.

Get appropriate meds though for the problem at hand. I knwo Flagyl is a good treatment but some other people on here ( with alot more knowledge than lil me) will suggest some more effective treatments.



Andrew Soh
09-29-2005, 08:26 PM
Hi Nerusan,

Your discus do seem to have a stomach upset...could be parasites...like flagellates or bacteria. Treatment can be as Jason suggested...Flagyl (metronidazole)....1 to 1.2 gm to 100litre of water...since they are not eating

But anyway, how many discus you have in the tank and the tank size and is it planted?

Andrew :angel:

09-30-2005, 01:21 AM
Thanks all

My Tank Size is 28 x 15 x 17 inches , no heater, temp arround 83, one Boyu sponge filter,

Tank Mates : 02 neon teras

Turq Discus : one - 03 months old : size 03 inches

I just introduced 03 discus on Sunday size 02 iches( had to put glass patrition as 03 inch is bullying them)

Food ; Breeder was feeding Beef heart , and i am feeding Goat heart ( thrice daily )

Is that the reason

I have stepped up the wc to daily : 30 %

I just bought Merogyl tablets ( 400 mg) , but not treted the fish , can you pls advise how

Note : Also by mistake i put one clove in my Goat heart recepe , will that cause any problem


10-01-2005, 10:37 PM
Is Merogyl metronidazole? If yes, disolve one 400 mg tablet per 10 gallons of tank water and dose 2 or 3 time daily for 3 to 5 days. Your tank temperature should be 92F degrees - get a heater. Metro doesn't work as good at temperature less than 92 degrees.